
N-MFP: Filer Information

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N-MFP: Filing Information

General Information

Part A: Series-Level Information about the Fund

Item A.1 Securities Act File Number.
Item A.2 Investment Adviser
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
a. SEC file number of investment adviser
Item A.4 Independent Public Accountant.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
a. City and state of independent public accountant.
City of independent public accountant
San Francisco
State/Province/Country of independent public accountant
Item A.5 Administrator. If a fund has one or more administrators, disclose the name of each administrator.
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
Item A.6 Transfer Agent.
DST Asset Manager Solutions, Inc.
a. CIK Number
b. SEC file number of transfer agent.
Item A.7 Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a Feeder Fund? If Yes, answer Items A.7.a - 7.c. Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
a. Identify the Master Fund by CIK or, if the fund does not have a CIK, by name.
Item A.8 Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a Master Fund? If Yes, answer Items A.8.a - 8.c. Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.9 Is this series primarily used to fund insurance company separate accounts?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.10 Category. Indicate the category that identifies the money market fund from among the following: Checkbox not checked Treasury
Checkbox not checked Government/Agency
Checkbox not checked Exempt Government
Checkbox checked Prime
Checkbox not checked Single State
Checkbox not checked Other Tax Exempt
a. Is this fund an exempt retail fund as defined in 270.2a-7(a)(25)?
Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item A.11 Dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity ("WAM" as defined in rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item A.12 Dollar-weighted average life maturity ("WAL" as defined in rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)). Calculate WAL without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(d) regarding interest rate readjustments.
Item A.13 Liquidity. Provide the following, as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the daily or weekly liquidity, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent:
i. Friday, day 1:
ii. Friday, day 2:
iii. Friday, day 3:
iv. Friday, day 4:
v. Friday, day 5 (if applicable):
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
i. Friday, day 1:
ii. Friday, day 2:
iii. Friday, day 3:
iv. Friday, day 4:
v. Friday, day 5 (if applicable):
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
Item A.14 Provide the following, to the nearest cent:
a. Cash. (See General Instructions E.)
b. Total Value of portfolio securities. (See General Instructions E.)
i. If any portfolio securities are valued using amortized cost, the total value of the portfolio securities valued at amortized cost.
c. Total Value of other assets (excluding amounts provided in A.14.a-b.)
Item A.15 Total value of liabilities, to the nearest cent.
Item A.16 Net assets of the series, to the nearest cent.
Item A.17 Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth.
Item A.18 If the fund seeks to maintain a stable price per share, state the price the fund seeks to maintain.
Item A.19 7-day gross yield. Based on the 7 days ended on the last day of the prior month, calculate the fund's yield by determining the net change, exclusive of capital changes and income other than investment income, in the value of a hypothetical pre-existing account having a balance of one share at the beginning of the period and dividing the difference by the value of the account at the beginning of the base period to obtain the base period return, and then multiplying the base period return by (365/7) with the resulting yield figure carried to the nearest hundredth of one percent. The 7-day gross yield should not reflect a deduction of shareholders fees and fund operating expenses. For master funds and feeder funds, report the 7-day gross yield at the master-fund level.
Item A.20 Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions) rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the net asset value per share, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):

Part B: Class-Level Information about the Fund

For each Class of the Series (regardless of the number of shares outstanding in the Class), disclose the following:

Item B.1 EDGAR Class identifier.
Item B.2 Minimum initial investment.
Item B.3 Net assets of the Class, to the nearest cent.
Item B.4 Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth.
Item B.5 Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the net asset value per share, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
Item B.6 Net shareholder flow. Provide the aggregate weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and gross redemptions, rounded to the nearest cent, as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the gross subscriptions or gross redemptions, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
a. Friday, week 1:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
b. Friday, week 2:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
c. Friday, week 3:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
d. Friday, week 4:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
e. Friday, week 5:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
f. Total for the month reported:
i. Monthly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Monthly gross redemptions:
Item B.7 7-day net yield, as calculated under Item 26(a)(1) of Form N-1A (§ 274.11A of this chapter).
Item B.8 During the reporting period, did any Person pay for, or waive all or part of the fund's operating expenses or management fees? If Yes, answer Item B.8.a. Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
a. Provide the name of the Person and describe the nature and amount of the expense payment or fee waiver, or both (reported in dollars).
Investment Advisor and its affiliates Contractual (may include certain equalized waivers of management fees across classes) 4,536,898

Part B: Class-Level Information about the Fund

For each Class of the Series (regardless of the number of shares outstanding in the Class), disclose the following:

Item B.1 EDGAR Class identifier.
Item B.2 Minimum initial investment.
Item B.3 Net assets of the Class, to the nearest cent.
Item B.4 Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth.
Item B.5 Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the net asset value per share, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
Item B.6 Net shareholder flow. Provide the aggregate weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and gross redemptions, rounded to the nearest cent, as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the gross subscriptions or gross redemptions, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
a. Friday, week 1:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
b. Friday, week 2:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
c. Friday, week 3:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
d. Friday, week 4:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
e. Friday, week 5:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
f. Total for the month reported:
i. Monthly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Monthly gross redemptions:
Item B.7 7-day net yield, as calculated under Item 26(a)(1) of Form N-1A (§ 274.11A of this chapter).
Item B.8 During the reporting period, did any Person pay for, or waive all or part of the fund's operating expenses or management fees? If Yes, answer Item B.8.a. Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
a. Provide the name of the Person and describe the nature and amount of the expense payment or fee waiver, or both (reported in dollars).
Investment Advisor and its affiliates Contractual 2,765,176

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
ABAG Finance Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Abn Amro Bank Nv
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BPCE SA 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button checked  Other Instrument
Brief Description
Bank Note
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Societe Generale SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CAFCO LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CAFCO LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CAFCO LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
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b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CAFCO LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
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b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
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b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
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b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
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b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Calhoun Port Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Comerica Bank
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Lloyds Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Lloyds Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CARGILL INC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CHARTA LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CHARTA LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CHARTA LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CHARTA LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CHARTA LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
CHARTA LLC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Citibank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JP Morgan Securities LLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JP Morgan Securities LLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JP Morgan Securities LLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
JP Morgan Securities LLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Barclays Bank PLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Suisse AG
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Suisse AG
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Suisse AG
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Suisse AG
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Suisse AG
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Suisse AG
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
DBS BANK LTD 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
RB (BC HOUSING) SERIES 1997B 0.800000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
RB (TARNES AT BC) SERIES 1999B 0.800000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Barclays Bank PLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 1.742900%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 1.374300%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 1.437400%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HSBC USA INC 1.820900%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Illinois Housing Development Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Indiana Finance Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Bank of the West
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
NRW BANK 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
NRW BANK 0.000000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Nassau Health Care Corp
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Bank of America NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HOUSING RB (600 W 42ND STREET) SERIES 2007A 0.230000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
San Francisco Airport Commission
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
REFUNDING RB SERIES 2010A1 0.280000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Bank of America NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
San Francisco Airport Commission
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
REFUNDING RB SERIES 2010A2 0.270000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Bank of America NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Bank of America NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Barclays Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Barclays Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Barclays Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Barclays Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Barclays Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Barclays Bank Plc
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Tenderfoot Seasonal Housing, LLC
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
GO BONDS SERIES 2017 0.250000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Total SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Total SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
TRUIST BANK 1.680000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
TRUIST BANK 1.630000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
United States Treasury
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
United States Treasury
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
United States Treasury
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
Natixis SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
a. The identity of the Guarantor(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Guarantor.
c. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the guarantee(s) or guarantor(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Bank of Nova Scotia
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 1.600000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM CL022DB R05F022
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2007-026 FJ
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Farm Federal Credit Bank
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AS 082975 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII JM 004768 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 005082 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI MH 558959 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AS 082894 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AS 082928 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G62025 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL776514
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V81386 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 1.610000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2018-66 FB
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2019-86 FC
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC009KD R19F009
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2007-026 FJ
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAB6709
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AS 082972 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 004168 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
07.500 FGPC G05801 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CLAA2560
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 687928 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2019-65 FA
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ONDECK ASSET SEC TR II 2019-1 D 20241117 4.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MILL CITY MTG LN TR 2018-1 B4 20620525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HOME EQUITY MTG TR 2006-1 A-2 20360525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSAMP TRUST 2007-HSBC1 M-5 20370225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PRPM LLC 2019-1 A-1 20240125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
UPSTART SEC TR 2019-3 B 20300120 0.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MILL CTY SOLAR LN 2019-1 A 20430320 4.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2019-RPL4 A-1 20580826 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM PRIVATE ST LN TR 2003-C C 20320915 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GLS AUTO REC ISSUER TR 2020-1 A 20240215 2.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FLAGSHIP CR AUTO TR 2020-1 A 20240815 1.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2007-AMC3 A1 144 20370325 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2019-1 B5 20580325 0.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ALM VII LTD 2012-7R2 D-R2 20290716 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2018-6 B4 20580325 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ALM XVIII LTD 2016-18R D-R 20280118 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
M360 2019-CRE2 LTD C 20340915 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB HEQ MTG TR 2005-5 A-2A 20360425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SESI L L C SR NT 7.75%24
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARBOR RLTY CM 2019-FL1 D 20370515 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AVANT LOANS FDG TR 2018-A C 20240515 4.7
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RADNOR RE LTD 2019-1 M-1B 20290226 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MRGN CHASE COM 2020-MKST F 20361215 0.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COMM MTG TR 2014-CCRE17 G 20470510 4.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COMM MTG TR 2015-CCRE22 G 20480312 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANC AMER CMBS 2008-1 A-J 20510210 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO COML TR 2015-C30 H 20580917 3.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SILVER HILL TR 2019-SBC1 M2 20491128 3.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
OBX TRUST 2020-EXP1 B-5 20600125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GS MORTGAGE SECS CORP 1999-2 A 20270919 8.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
READY CAPITAL MTG TR 2019-6 E 20521025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN COM MTG 2006-LDP7 B 20450415 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BENCHMARK MTG TR 2019-B9 F 20520315 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COMM MTG TR 2014-CCRE16 F 20470412 3.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK 2019-BNK16 F 20520216 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
KEY COML MTG SECS TR 2018-S1 F 20531020 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
KEY COMM MTG SEC TR 2019-S2 D 20520617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
KEY COMM MTG SEC TR 2019-S2 E 20520617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
KEY COMM MTG SEC TR 2019-S2 F 20520617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
READY CAP MTG TR 2015-2 E 20550625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2018-RPL8 A-IO-S 20580725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2018-RPL7 A-IO-S 20580826 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TRUST 2017-RPL3 SA 20570825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BCAP LLC TR 2013-RR9 4A5 20371027 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BNC MTG LN TR 2007-2 M1 20370525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2019-RPL1 SA 20580725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2019-JR1 SA 20660927 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2019-JR1 PT 20660927 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANC AMERICA FDG 2015-R4 8A6 20350129 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AVANT LOANS FDG TR 2020-REV1 A 20290515 2.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AVANT LOANS FDG TR 2020-REV1 C 20290515 4.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CLAS 2019-1 LTD CTF 20390415 0.0
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2015-5R 4-A-2 20370128 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWABS INC 2006-12 M-1 20361225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2015-4R 1-A-4 20361127 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2015-10R 1-A-1 20351029 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TRUST 2017-RPL3 A1-IO1 20570825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2018-RPL9 SA 20570925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC 2019-RPL10 A-1 20591225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC 2019-RPL10 A-IO-S 20591225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TRUST 2017-RPL1 B-1 20570725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TRUST 2017-RPL1 B-2 20570725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TRUST 2017-RPL1 B-3 20570725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2019-RPL4 A-IO-S 20580826 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2019-RPL2 A-IO-S 20581125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONTINENTAL CR CARD 2019-1 C 20260815 6.1
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONTINENTAL CR CARD 2019-1 B 20260815 4.9
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2004-J8 M 20340925 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2004-J7 M-2 20341025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-28CB 2-A-5 20350825 5.7
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-77T1 1-A-2 20360225 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-77T1 1-A-3 20360225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2006-OA17 1-A1-D 20461220 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2006-7CB 1-A-7 20360525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMERICAN HOME MTG 2005-2 I-A-2 20450925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2006-29T1 1-A-4 20361025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT RESECURI 2008-1R 1-A-1 20370825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS CHL MTG TR 2006-21 A-6 20370225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS CHL MTG TR 2007-3 A-14 20370425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2010-9 5A3 20370325 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC ALT LN TR 2006-J3 1-A-1 20360525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BCAP LLC TRUST 2011-RR9 6A6 20360128 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2009-4 7A5 20350525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2010-18R 6-A-5 20360930 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS INC 2004-10 B-1 20340725 5.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS INC 2004-12 I-M 20340825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CHASE MORTGAGE FIN TR 2007-A2 6-A4 20370725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2009-12 4A2 20351125 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2007-10 2A3A 20370925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ADJUSTABLE RATE MTG 2004-5 C-B-1 20350425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ADJUSTABLE RATE MTG 2005-5 3-A-3 20350925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ALT-A 2005-7 II-5A1 20350925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SER 2019-6R
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2010-4R 3-A-17 20370626 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-9CB 1-A-1 20350525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-50CB 3-A-1 20351125 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2004-J2 B-1 20340425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2004-16CB M 20340825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BCAP LLC TR 2014-RR3 1A2 20361126 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BCAP LLC TR 2014-RR3 4A1 20360326 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-1 NIM34 A 20350627 4.7
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ALM VII R-2 LTD 2013-7R-2R SUB-NT 21161015 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ACE SECS HEQ 2005-SD3 M-3 20450825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CHASE MORTGAGE FIN TR 2007-S5 2-A1 20370725 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT 2005-J13 2A1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS CHL MTG TR 2006-10 1-A-4 20360525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-2 NIM35 A 20350827 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-3 NIM36 A 20350927 5.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-6 NIM39 A 20360127 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-7 NIM40 B 20360227 6.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TRUST 2017-RPL1 SA 20570725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC TR 2018-RPL2 A-1 20620825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2014-4R 16A4 20360227 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2015-3R 3A2 20370329 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSMC SERIES 2010-17R 8-B-1 20350227 0.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMERICAN HOME MTG 2005-1 M-1 20450625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BXMT 2020-FL2 LTD D 20380217 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RCO V MTG LLC 2019-1 A-1 20240525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRAINER WORTHAM CBO V 2004-V A2 144 20400104 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FBR SEC TRUST 2005-2 M-4 20350925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN MTG ACQ 2006-CH1 M-5 20360725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CARRINGTON MTG LN 2007-HE1 A-4 20370525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIRST FRANKLIN MTG 2006-FF18 A-2B 20371225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2017-4 B4 20570625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM STUDENT LOAN TR 2003-4 B 20380615 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM STUDENT LOAN TR 2007-4 B-2A 20420125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HERTZ FIN II 2018-3 D 20240725 6.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN MTG ACQ 2006-WMC2 A-4 20360625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO HEQ 2007-2 A-4 20370425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SPRINGCASTLE AMER FD 2019-A C 20360527 5.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRTX ISSUER LTD 2019-FL3 D 20341017 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CRYSTAL RIVER CDO 2005-1 B 20460302 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWABS INC 2007-3 2-A-3 20341125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
LAUREN RD PRIME SL TR 2018-D CTF 20431125 0.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MS B OF A ML TRUST 2012-C5 H 20450817 4.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2006-WF1 A-1 20360325 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BYVW OPP MST FD IVB 2016-SPL2 B5 20530630 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN CHASE CMBS 2014-C20 D 20470717 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2015-RP2 B-4 20530125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2015-RP2 B-5 20530125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BX COML MTG TR 2020-BXLP F 20361215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MS BOFA ML TRUST 2013-C9 G 20460517 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ALT-A 2006-4 I-3A-1 20360825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
STRUCTURED ADJ RATE 2007-4 1-A1 20370525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WAMU PTC WMALT 2007-2 1-A-2 20370225 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSCG TRUST 2019-600C F 20340912 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSCG TRUST 2019-600C H 20340912 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JPMBB COML MTG SEC TR 2014-C2 D 20480117 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MRU STUDENT LN TR 2008-A A-1B 20410125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MNPT 2006-2A A2
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BYVW OPP MST FD IVB 2017-RT6 B6 20571028 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BYVW OPP MST FD TR 2017-RT5 B5 20690528 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NEW CENTURY HEQ TR 2005-4 M-5 20350925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NEW CENTURY HEQ TR 2006-1 A-2C 20360525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2007-9T1 1-A-6 20370525 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DBWF MTG TR 2015-LCM E 20340612 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
C-BASS CBO XVIII 2007-18 A-2 20470313 5.5
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITGRP COML MTG TR 2014-GC25 D 20471011 3.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BELLEMEADE RE LTD 2019-2 M-2 20290425 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BELLEMEADE RE LTD 2019-2 B-1 20290425 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RAMP SERIES TRUST 2007-RS1 A-4 20370225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM STUDENT LOAN TR 2004-10 B 20400125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWABS INC 2006-1 AF-4 20340925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
LB-UBS CMBS 2007-C1 G 144A 20400215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
UNITED AIRLINES PT CERT 2007-1 A 20240102 6.6
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BXMT 2020-FL2 LTD C 20380217 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BXMT 2020-FL2 LTD D 20380217 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MADISON PARK FDG XVI 2015-16 E 20260420 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARBOR RLTY CM 2020-FL1 D 20350215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARBOR RLTY CM 2020-FL1 E 20350215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ACC TRUST 2019-2 C 20241020 5.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GALLATIN CLO IX LTD 2018-1 E 20280121 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TESLA AUTO LEASE TR 2019-A E 20230520 5.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VCO CLO LTD 2018-1 E 20300722 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EXETER AUTO RECV TR 2017-3 D 20241015 5.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DRYDEN 65 CLO 2018-65 E 20300718 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ATRIUM XIV 2018-14 E 20300823 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
LSTAR SECS INVR LTD 2019-3 A-1 20240401 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ACC TR 2019-1 C 20240220 6.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BXMT 2017-FL1 LTD D 20350615 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TICP CLO III- 2 LTD 2018-3-2 E 20280420 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SKOPOS AUTO RECV TR 2018-1 B 20220516 3.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PFP LTD 2019-6 A-S 20370416 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMUR EQUIP FIN RECV VI 2018-2 A-2 20220720 3.8
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AASET TR 2018-1 C 20380116 6.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PEGASUS AVIATION LSE 1999-1 D-1 20290325 5.8
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PEGASUS AVIATION LSE 2000-1 D-1 20300325 8.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
OAKTREE CLO 2019-2 LTD D 20310415 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
OCEAN TRAILS CLO 2013-4 SUB 20250813 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ALM XVIII LTD 2016-18R D-R 20280118 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HOME PARTN AMER TR 2018-1 F 20370717 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMER HOMES 4 RENT TR 2015-SFR1 F 20520418 5.8
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GCAT 2019-3 LLC A-1 20491025 3.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PARK PLACE SECS 2005-WCH1 M-5 20350125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ORION LTD 2006-1 C 144A 20460910 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SOUNDVIEW HM LN 2007-OPT5 X-2 20371025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EATON VANCE CLO LTD 2015-1R F-R 20300122 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
UPLAND CLO LTD 2016 SUB 20280420 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM STUDENT LOAN TR 2003-4 A-5D 20330315 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VOLT LXXVI LLC 2019-NPL2 A-1 20490225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PROGRESS RES TR 2019-SFR3 F 20360918 3.8
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTGATE RESORTS LLC 2016-1 A 20281220 3.5
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTLAKE AUTORECV TR 2019-3 E 20250315 3.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TABERNA PREF FDG I 2005-1 C-1 20350705 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TLF NATL TAX LIEN TR 2017-1 A 20291215 3.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
STONE TOWER CDO II 2005-2 B-1L 20401117 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VENTURE XXV CLO 2016-25 SUB 20290420 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
B2R MTG TRUST 2015-1 E 20480515 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BXMT 2017-FL1 LTD C 20350615 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRICON AMER HOMES TR 2018-SFR1 F 20370519 4.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
B2R MTG TRUST 2016-1 E 20490617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTLAKE AUTO RECV TR 2018-1 F 20240715 5.6
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CBRE REALTY FIN CDO 2007-1 G 20520407 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
APIDOS CLO XXVII 2017-27 SUB 20300717 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MFA TRUST 2017-RPL1 B-2 20570226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRINITAS CLO VII 2017-7 SUB 20310127 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TABERNA PREF FDG II 2005-2 C-1 20351105 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TABERNA PREF FDG I 2005-1 E 20350705 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EQUITY ONE ABS INC 2002-3 M-1 20321125 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMER AIRLINES PT TR 2014-1 B 20240401 4.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMMC CLO 21 LTD 2017-21 SUB NT 20301104 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BYVW OPP MSP FD TR 2019-RN2 A1 20340328 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BELLEMEADE RE LTD 2017-1 B-1 20271025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AVANT LOANS FDG TR 2018-B A 20220118 3.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AREIT TR 2018-CRE2 C 20351116 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BDS 2018-FL2 LTD D 20350817 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARES CLO LTD 2017-45 SUB 20301004 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARES XL CLO 2016-40 LTD SUB NT 20271015 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GPMT LTD 2018-FL1 C 20351115 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GARRISON BSL CLO LTD 2018-1 E 20280717 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EMC MTG LN TR 2003-A B 20400827 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TELOS CLO LTD 2013-3 SUB NT 20240117 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CARVANA AUTO REC TR 2019-4 A-1 20201215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BELLEMEADE RE LTD 2019-1 M-1B 20290325 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WAVE 2017-1 LLC C 20421115 6.6
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CBRE REALTY FIN CDO 2007-1 H 20520407 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CLNC 2019-FL1 A-S 20350817 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CLNC 2019-FL1 D 20350817 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
OCTAGON INV PTNS 32 2017-32 SUB NT 20290716 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MAGNETITE VII LTD 2012-7R2 D-R2 20280118 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLFLEET CLO 2017-1 D 20290420 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTLAKE AUTO RECV TR 2019-1 F 20260217 5.6
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NLY 2019-FL2 ISSUER LTD D 20360215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VENTURE XII CLO LTD 2013-12 SUB 20240228 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
KREF LTD 2018-FL1 D 20360617 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
LCM XV LTD 2014-15 INC 20240826 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2007-FS1 A-2A 20371025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AMMC CLO XII LTD 2013-12 SUB 20250510 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-5 B5 20561025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIRST INVESTORS AUTO TR 2019-1 F 20260715 6.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COLONY AMER FIN 2015-1 F 20471018 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COLONY AMER FIN 2016-1 F 20480617 4.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COREVEST AMER FIN TR 2019-2 D 20520617 4.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CBRE REALTY FIN CDO 2007-1 F 20520407 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BDS LTD 2019-FL4 A-S 20360815 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BDS 2020-FL5 LTD B 20370218 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARES CLO LTD 2017-43 SUB 20291015 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ASSURANT CLO 2018-2 SUB 20310421 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY ABS 2007-NC2 A-1 20370225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MP CLO VIII LTD 2015-8R E-R 20271028 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JER CRE CDO 2006-2 H-FL 20450325 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-3 B4 20560425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-5 B3 20561025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-5 B4 20561025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BDS 2018-FL1 LTD D 20350118 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DUKE FDG IX 2005-9 B 20450309 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 0.940000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FREED ABS TR 2019-2 C 20261118 4.8
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ENVA 2019-A LLC A 20260620 3.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EAGLE RE LTD 2018-1 B-1 20281127 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BELLEMEADE RE LTD 2018-1 M-2 20280425 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GLS AUTO REC ISSUER TR 2019-4 D 20260815 4.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SQUARED CDO LTD 2007-1 E 20570511 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RR3 LTD 2014-R2 D-R2 20300115 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PFP LTD 2019-5 A-S 20360416 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
C-BASS ABS 2006-SL1 A1 144 20360925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MILL CITY MTG LN TR 2017-2 A1 20590725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GE-WMC ASSET-BCKD PTC 2005-2 A-2C 20351226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWHEQ REV HEQ RES 2006-RES 04L1B 20340215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ECP 2015-7A DR
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TERWIN MTG TR 2006-4SL A-2 20370525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRAPEZA CDO XIII 2007-13 B 20421109 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SACO I TRUST 2005-10 I-A 20360625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SOUND PNT CLO 2018-5R E 20310718 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRAPEZA CDO X 2006-10 B 20410708 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
IRWIN HOME EQUITY TR 2006-P1 II-A-3 20370625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RR 5 LTD 2018-1 D 20311015 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NOMURA ASSET ALT LN 2006-S2 A-3 20360425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BATTALION CLO 2015-9R E-R 20310715 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MIDOCEAN CR CLO IX 2018-9 F 20310721 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-1 X 20550225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRAPEZA CDO VII 2004-7 B1 144 20350125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SOVEREIGN BK HEQ LN TR 2000-1 A-7 20301225 7.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRTX ISSUER LTD 2018-FL2 D 20371118 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VOYA CLO LTD 2018-4 E 20320115 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
IRWIN HOME EQUITY TR 2007-1 IIA-3 20370825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
XEROX CORP 4.07%22
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COMM 2015-DC1 VAR 02/48
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C05 2M-2I 20290125 1.7
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WFRBS COML MTG TR 2014-LC14 D 20470315 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JPMDB COML MTG SEC TR 2017-C7 A-2 20501017 3.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN MTG TR 2019-LTV2 A-4 20491225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN MTG TR 2019-9 B-4 20500525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BX COML MTG TR 2019-XL E 20361015 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BX COML MTG TR 2019-ATL F 20361015 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK 2018-BN14 D 20600917 3.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DEUTSCHE ALT-A SECS 2007-AR3 II-A-4 20370625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WFRBS COML MTG TR 2011-C4 F 20440617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ANGEL OAK MTG TR 2019-6 B-1 20591125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLIDE 2018-FUN E 20310616 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WFRBS COML MTG TR 2014-C24 C 20471118 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WAMU CMBS TR 2006-SL1 F 144A 20431123 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VMC FINANCE 2019-FL3 A-S 20360917 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PRIME MTG TR 2007-3 II-B-1 20220825 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
OBX TRUST 2020-EXP1 B1-A 20600125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSAIL COML MTG TR 2015-C3 C 20480817 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO COML TR 2016-C34 D 20490617 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CD 2007-CD4 MTG TRUST A-J 20491211 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ARCAP RES COML 2006-RR7 B 144A 20450927 6.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BBCMS 2017-DELC FLT 08/36
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AGATE BAY MTG TR 2015-7 B-4 20451025 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ATHILN 0 02/03/45
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-HQA2 M-2AI 20291226 2.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BXMT 2020-FL2 LTD E 20380217 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FLAGSHIP CR AUTO TR 2017-2 E 20240715 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRTX ISSUER LTD 2019-FL3 C 20341017 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TESLA AUTO LEASE TR 2018-B E 20220620 7.8
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIRST INVESTORS AUTO TR 2016-2 E 20230915 5.7
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIRSTKEY LEND 2015-SFR1 F 20470311 3.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GLS AUTO REC ISSUER TR 2020-1 C 20251117 2.7
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COREVEST AMER FIN TR 2019-2 B 20520617 3.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
UNITED AUTO CR SEC TR 2018-2 E 20230510 5.2
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM STUDENT LOAN TR 2003-2 A-8 20280915 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
REGIONAL MGMT ISS TR 2018-1 B 20270715 4.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ACC TR 2018-1 C 20230221 6.8
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BDS 2020-FL5 LTD A-S 20370218 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BSPRT LTD 2018-FL4 A-S 20350917 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
B2R MTG TRUST 2015-2 E 20481118 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-3 B3 20560425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FS RIALTO 2019-FL1 C 20361218 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
B2R MTG TRUST 2015-2 G 20481118 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
B2R MTG TRUST 2016-1 E 20490617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
B2R MTG TRUST 2016-1 G 20490617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COLONY AMER FIN 2016-1 E 20480617 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
LOANCORE 2018-CRE1 LTD A-S 20280515 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PROGRESS RES TR 2018-SFR2 F 20350817 4.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIRSTKEY LEND 2015-SFR1 H 20470311 3.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FLAGSHIP CR AUTO TR 2018-2 E 20251117 5.5
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
COLONY AMER FIN 2016-2 E 20481118 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EXETER AUTO RECV TR 2018-4 E 20250715 5.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTLAKE AUTO RECV TR 2018-2 F 20250115 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTLAKE AUTO RECV TR 2018-3 F 20250218 6.0
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM STUDENT LOAN TR 2003-5 A-9 20300615 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HOME PARTN AMER TR 2017-1 E 20340719 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ACCREDITED MTG LN TR 2005-4 M-1 20351225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BSPRT ISUER LTD 2019-FL5 E 20290515 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TOWD PT MTG TR 2016-5 B2 20561025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TRICON AMER HOMES TR 2017-SFR2 F 20360118 5.1
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
EXETER AUTO RECV TR 2016-3 D 20230717 6.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIRSTKEY LEND 2015-SFR1 G 20470311 3.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ABS TR 2006-EC1 M-2 20351225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NELNET ST LN TR 2005-4 A4AR-1 20320322 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
PROGRESS RES TR 2018-SFR3 F 20351018 5.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8050
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3305
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLSD7506
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3305
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP VR 030518-030524
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BAT CAP CORP 4.39%37
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BP CAP MKTS P L C SR NT 3.245%22
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 3.248%102127
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP VR 102116-102122
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 4.45%030326
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 3.97%030529
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 4.078%042340
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK OF MONTREAL VR 031020-031023
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BAT CAP CORP FR 3.215%090626
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AT&T INC 4.85% SNR 39 USD
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY VR 012220-012023
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIZENS BANK N A VR 052617-052620
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 2.15%043023
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 2.25%103023
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 2.5%043025
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 4.478%040431
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 5.013%040451
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO CO MTN BE VR 120715-120720
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY FR 3.875%012726
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY FR 3.125%072726
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 2.879%103030
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WELLS FARGO & CO FR 3.584%052228
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY FR 3.875%042924
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
AT&T INC SR NT 4.3%42
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY VR 012017-012022
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY VR 072417-072222
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SESI L L C SR NT 7.125%21
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANCO DO BRASIL S A FR 4.75%032024
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
3M CO FR 2.25%031523
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SHINHAN BK FR 3.75%092027
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BAT CAP CORP FR 2.789%090624
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 3.366%012326
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 3.559%042327
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SHINHAN BK FR 4%042329
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SHINHAN BK FR 2.875%032822
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
KOOKMIN BANK FR 2.875%032523
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
3M CO FR 2.75%030122
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RYDER SYS MTN BE FR 4.625%060125
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BANK AMER CORP FR 2.884%102230
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 0.250000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 0.220000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HALCYON LN ADV FDG 2015-2R C-R 20270726 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FORD CREDIT FLRPLN TR 2018-4 A 20301115 4.0
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DIAMOND RESORTS TR 2019-1 B 20320220 3.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ELMWOOD CLO IV 2020-4 LTD D 20330415 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ENTERPRISE FLEET FNC 2017-1 A-3 20220720 2.6
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY FR 4.431%012330
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WAMU MTG CERT 2007-OA3 2A-1B 20470425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WHEELS SPV 2 LLC 2019-1 A-3 20280522 2.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SCOT 2017-2 B5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CAPITAL ONE CC TR 2017-6 A 20250715 2.2
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CARVANA AUTO REC TR 2020-NP1 D 20260115 3.4
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-SPI1 B 20480225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WESTLAKE AUTO RECV TR 2018-3 E 20231215 4.9
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CHASES ISSUANCE TR 2012-7A A 20240916 2.1
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WAMU MTG CERT 2006-AR1 1A-1B 20460125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
WAMU MTG CERT 2005-AR8 B-1 20450725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
VERUS SEC TR 2018-INV2 M-1 20581025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
STRUCTURED ASSET SECS 2006-RF3 1-A4 20361025 7.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FIVE GUYS FDG 2017-1 A-2 20470725 4.6
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM PRIVATE ST LN TR 2006-A A-5 20390615 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM PRIVATE ST LN TR 2003-C A-4 20320915 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CFG INVTS LTD 2019-1 A 20290815 5.5
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C01 1M-2C 20300725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C07 2B-1 20300528 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-DNA3 B-2 20480925 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C05 1M-2C 20300125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-DNA2 B-1 20500225 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2006-OA11 A-4 20460925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-DNA4 B-1 20491025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONN AVE SECS 2020-R01 1B-1 20400125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C06 2M-2C 20300225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONN AVE SECS 2019-HRP1 M-2 20391125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MILL CITY MTG LN TR 2016-1 B2 20570425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GOAL CAP FDG TR 2005-2 A-4 20440825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SLM PRIVATE ST LN TR 2003-A A-4 20320615 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C07 2M-2 20290525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C02 2M-2C 20300826 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-HQA3 B-2 20490927 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN MTG TR 2020-1 B-5 20500625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RESIDENTIAL ASSET 2005-A11CB 1-A-6 20351025 5.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C03 1M-2C 20291025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-DNA3 B-1 20480925 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JIMMY JOHNS FDG 2017-1 A-2-II 20470730 4.8
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BPCE SA VR 053117-053122
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-HQA1 M-2 20300925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-DNA1 B-1 20290725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C03 1M-2C 20301025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C01 1B-1 20290725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C03 1M-2C 20291025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C02 2M-2 20300826 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2015-C01 1M-2 20250225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C03 1M-2 20281025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2013-C01 M-2 20231025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-SPI4 M-2 20481125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2014-C03 1M-2 20240725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-DNA1 M-2 20500125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2014-DN4 M-3 20241025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DEEPHAVEN RES MTG TR 2020-1 B-2 20600125 4.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C05 1B-1 20300125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C04 2B-1 20301226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C02 2B-1 20290925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C01 1B-1 20300725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C01 2M-2 20280825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2015-C01 2M-2 20250225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C02 2B-1 20300826 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-HQA2 B-1 20291226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN MTG TR 2020-1 B-4 20500625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C03 2M-2 20281025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2014-C03 2M-2 20240725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2015-C04 2M-2 20280425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-HQA2 M-2 20481026 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C01 1M-2 20300725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2014-C01 M-2 20240125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2013-DN2 M-2 20231127 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-DNA2 B-1 20301226 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2014-C02 1M-2 20240528 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-HQA1 B-1 20500125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C04 2M-2 20301226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-DNA2 M-2 20500225 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-DNA2 B-1 20490325 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HERTZ FIN II 2018-1 A 20240225 3.2
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-HQA3 B-1 20490927 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2019-R04 2B-1 20390627 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2015-HQA1 M-3 20280327 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2016-HQA1 M-3 20280925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2016-DNA3 M-3 20281226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2016-HQA3 M-3 20290326 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C03 1B-1 20301025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-HQA1 M-2 20490225 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NEW RESI MTG TR 2017-4 B-6 20570525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2015-C02 2M-2 20250527 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SOFI MTG TR 2016-1 B-6 20461125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2015-C03 1M-2 20250725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-HRP1 B-1 20430525 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC WLST 2015-SC02 M-3 20450925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2014-DN1 M-3 20240226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2019-R04 2B-1 20390627 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-DNA2 M-2 20490325 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BX COML MTG TR 2020-BXLP C 20361215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2019-R03 1B-1 20310925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-HQA3 M-2B 20300425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ALT-A 2006-5 I-A-1 20360825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-HQA2 B-1 20490426 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C04 1M-2 20290125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2016-C05 2M-2 20290125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-FTR2 B-2 20481125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ML ALT NT ASEET TR 2007-OAR A-2 20370825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
RESIDENTIAL MTG LN TR 2019-3 M-1 20590925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C06 1M-2C 20300225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2018-C06 2M-2 20310325 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2006-OA18 A-2 20461225 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SOFI MTG TR 2016-1 B-4 20461125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ALT-A II 2007-1 I-A-1 20470925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
SOFI MTG TR 2016-1 B-5 20461125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC ALT LN TR 2006-OA6 1A-1A 20460725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2018-HQA1 B-1 20300925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-DNA1 B-1 20500125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BX COML MTG TR 2020-BXLP E 20361215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-DNA1 B-2 20500125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C04 2B-1 20291126 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2014-DN2 M-3 20240425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2014-HQ2 M-3 20240925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C06 2B-1 20300225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-HQA2 M-2 20490426 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2019-R01 2M-2 20310725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
DEEPHAVEN RES MTG TR 2018-3 M-1 20580825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BX COML MTG TR 2020-BXLP B 20361215 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONN AVE SECS 2019-R07 1B-1 20391025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ARM TR 2007-4 II-2A1 20470625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NEW RESI MTG TR 2017-3 B-6 20570425 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2019-RP1 B-5 20660125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2019-IMC1 B-1 20490725 3.9
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONN AVE SECS 2020-R02 2M-2 20400125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-HRP1 B-1D 20421226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2019-R02 1M-2 20310825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2019-R02 1B-1 20310825 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-DNA2 B-1 20291025 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-DNA3 M-2B 20300325 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2013-DN1 M-2 20230725 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C04 2M-2C 20291126 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C04 2M-2C 20291126 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-HRP1 B-1 20490225 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-DNA3 M-2 20490726 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2017-HRP1 M-2 20421226 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C02 2M-2C 20290925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMA CONN AVE SECS 2017-C02 2M-2C 20290925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
TENCENT HLDGS LTD VR 011918-011923
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CREDIT AGRICOLE CORP 144A VR 050219-110220
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MORGAN STANLEY VR 012220-012023
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NATL BANK OF CANADA VR 110217-110220
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NEW YORK LIFE GBL FDG MTN 144A VR 071219-071222
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ROYAL BK OF CDA BD CDS VR 102617-102620
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLZS4693
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA4020
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA4021
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CIZS8617
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLSD0291
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CIZS8621
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CIZS8624
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08823 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC V84153 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS8817
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZN6245
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V84373 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 0.030000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 0.050000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2007-026 FJ
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Farm Federal Credit Bank
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI984259
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CTMA1029
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3305
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 005082 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL831440
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLBO2097
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAL3563
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL851630
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAV3471
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI JP 783453 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AS 082937 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 08.000 CL943392
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZM2780
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC U95019 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G60527 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 07.500 GL252671
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2011-020 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 748487 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 515981 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 736617 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 658377 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 615281 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 755958 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 670029 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 675247 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 723231 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 003305 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 003624 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 003863 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 693623 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 710937 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 711552 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 565271 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 781603 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 766969 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZS4720
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CTZS8960
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.000 CIZS8485
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLZI2385
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZN3390
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZA6340
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLFM2870
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII JP 784740 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 784894 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 752610 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 737682 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 737727 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 726792 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 729081 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 609222 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 367090 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 784678 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII JP 784753 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 773662 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 792502 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLBP2793
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLCA3944
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA8043
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA7597
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA7874
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CIQN0738
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CIQN1108
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAL3093
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G61311 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 666430 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 553461 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 781746 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 763865 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CIZS8676
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZT0539
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8016
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CIZA3833
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.500 CLZS4003
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 793057 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 733167 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 733749 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLCA1916
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLFM1541
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q10391 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 734290 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 734361 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 616409 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 783976 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 757567 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLQA1933
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G67720 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q32301 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ7477
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9975
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 I4BF0171
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 772088 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 005116 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 733627 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 724230 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 617484 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 666344 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 734089 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 744349 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 759138 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 784145 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 626925 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 627021 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 738218 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 739371 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 782953 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 677192 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 692784 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 711622 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 005305 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 005181 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 626967 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 754439 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNPL PN 752871
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 616874 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 784025 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 754384 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 673486 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 636168 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 602794 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q43083 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 I4BF0136
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAZ1450
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783276 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CTAL3285
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 749785 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLFM3084
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM2002
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLSD8001
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLCA5359
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZS4790
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA2280
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-9 NIM42 A 20360527 6.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CSFB NIM TR HEAT 2005-9 NIM42 B 20360527 6.5
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GCAT LLC 2019-2 A-1 20240625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GCAT 2019-NQM2 TR B-3 20590925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
NOMURA RESEC TR 2014-5R 1A9 20350626 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSAA HEQ TR 2004-9 B-1 20340925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CARVANA AUTO REC TR 2020-NP1 E 20270715 5.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CONTINENTAL CR CARD 2019-1 A 20260815 3.8
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
BEAR STEARNS ALT-A 2006-1 II-2A1 20360225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-FTR1 B-2 20480127 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2019-FTR4 B-2 20471125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FHLMC STACR 2020-HQA1 B-2 20500125 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
ML MTG INV TR 2006-F1 I-A6 20360425 6.0
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSR MTG TR 2004-13F B1 20341125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HARVEST COML CAP LN TR 2019-1 M-6 20460925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CHASE MORTGAGE FIN TR 2007-S3 1-A1 20370525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CITIGROUP MTG LN TR 2009-10 2A2 20351225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS INC 2005-31 4-A-2 20360125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWMBS, INC. M 20321125 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
MASTR ASSET SEC TR 2007-1 1-A-3 20371125 6.2
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GMACM MTG LN TR 2006-AR1 2-A-1 20360419 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSR MTG TR 2005-5F B2 20350625 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GSR MTG TR 2004-10F B2 20340925 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-76 2-A-2 20360225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
CWALT INC 2005-85CB 2-A-5 20360225 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
JP MORGAN RESEC TR 2014-2 6-A-5 20370527 FLT
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
HARBORVIEW NIM CI-8 2006-14 N2 144 20380319 8.3
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
LEHMAN XS TRUST 2006-7 1-A1A 20360525 FLT
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLCA3336
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA3744
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CIQN0488
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CNQS0014
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLRA1217
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLRA2132
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC U93178 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA8907
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA9103
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CTQK0252
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CISB0218
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC U91990 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC E04153 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G15988 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC G16284 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CLZS4616
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CIZS8108
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZM7146
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZM8898
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZM8757
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLQA4522
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC D97473 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AR 008911 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 738272 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 545608 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CTZA2458
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CIZK2460
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIZK2799
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CIZK3848
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CIZK9446
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZM3075
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZM4231
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLZI1910
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 07.000 CLZI5086
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.500 CLZI7519
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CTZJ9238
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G16656 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLSD8048
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC U61781 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIMA4013
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CTMA4016
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT254687
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBP3802
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLFM2886
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CTRB5051
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLRA1343
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC U62476 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC U63001 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G18705 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC G18709 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC J14766 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZS4739
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIZS8030
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CIZS8650
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZM7127
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3872
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3906
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA3953
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G03419 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 635178 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC J33546 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G16740 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08687 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC G08741 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC U90595 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G30357 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G30388 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL2066
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAL4434
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC G18592 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G18642 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZT0533
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G03463 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.500 CLZI9931
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 005260 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIBC4777
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC D97199 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLSD8045
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CTZA1776
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 003701 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2019-57 FL
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2019-20 FA
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2020-004 FB
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2020-009 FA
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8000
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8010
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SF 738068 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 782719 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783098 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA3443
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3906
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLBN7703
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLMA3416
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA4020
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8062
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD7507
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783170 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLQA2864
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLQA4393
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZN4874
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLZN6562
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLQA7719
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA8153
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA5717
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLQA6036
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA6324
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA6974
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLQA7267
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLSD8058
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLQA5340
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1633
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1903
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1904
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1905
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 3PRE6044
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1439
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1416
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1462
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1549
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1551
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1591
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1259
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1347
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1336
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1364
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1384
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1438
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLSD8064
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9323
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CTQK0260
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9242
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA8804
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9095
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9221
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9197
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8062
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLSD8063
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLQA1054
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZN2965
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CIQN1146
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA6330
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CISB8046
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CISB8047
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CTRB5049
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9201
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA9252
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAZ9926
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBD7123
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAQ0038
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBN6656
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLCA3966
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q48952 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAB5782
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIBC4778
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA4695
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAK0425
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAL2496
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAO5261
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9466
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZL2849
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC U90493 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA3960
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CTAQ3405
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CTMA1652
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q61712 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q28612 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAS2511
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL2067
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL995941
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAJ1912
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBC6147
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAZ2126
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ0785
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAH9069
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL190371
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBM5036
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ5928
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA3991
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V83190 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAV7112
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS8703
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL4145
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAK4660
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLAI7048
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBJ3747
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
United States Treasury
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

N-MFP: Signatures

Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

The Charles Schwab Family of Funds
Mark Fischer
Name of Signing Officer
Mark Fischer
Title of Signing Officer
Chief Financial Officer