
N-MFP: Filer Information

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N-MFP: Filing Information

General Information

Part A: Series-Level Information about the Fund

Item A.1 Securities Act File Number.
Item A.2 Investment Adviser
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
a. SEC file number of investment adviser
Item A.4 Independent Public Accountant.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
a. City and state of independent public accountant.
City of independent public accountant
San Francisco
State/Province/Country of independent public accountant
Item A.5 Administrator. If a fund has one or more administrators, disclose the name of each administrator.
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
Item A.6 Transfer Agent.
DST Asset Manager Solutions, Inc.
a. CIK Number
b. SEC file number of transfer agent.
Item A.7 Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a Feeder Fund? If Yes, answer Items A.7.a - 7.c. Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
a. Identify the Master Fund by CIK or, if the fund does not have a CIK, by name.
Item A.8 Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a Master Fund? If Yes, answer Items A.8.a - 8.c. Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.9 Is this series primarily used to fund insurance company separate accounts?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.10 Category. Indicate the category that identifies the money market fund from among the following: Checkbox not checked Treasury
Checkbox not checked Government/Agency
Checkbox checked Exempt Government
Checkbox not checked Prime
Checkbox not checked Single State
Checkbox not checked Other Tax Exempt
a. Is this fund an exempt retail fund as defined in 270.2a-7(a)(25)?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.11 Dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity ("WAM" as defined in rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item A.12 Dollar-weighted average life maturity ("WAL" as defined in rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)). Calculate WAL without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(d) regarding interest rate readjustments.
Item A.13 Liquidity. Provide the following, as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the daily or weekly liquidity, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent:
i. Friday, day 1:
ii. Friday, day 2:
iii. Friday, day 3:
iv. Friday, day 4:
v. Friday, day 5 (if applicable):
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
i. Friday, day 1:
ii. Friday, day 2:
iii. Friday, day 3:
iv. Friday, day 4:
v. Friday, day 5 (if applicable):
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
Item A.14 Provide the following, to the nearest cent:
a. Cash. (See General Instructions E.)
b. Total Value of portfolio securities. (See General Instructions E.)
i. If any portfolio securities are valued using amortized cost, the total value of the portfolio securities valued at amortized cost.
c. Total Value of other assets (excluding amounts provided in A.14.a-b.)
Item A.15 Total value of liabilities, to the nearest cent.
Item A.16 Net assets of the series, to the nearest cent.
Item A.17 Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth.
Item A.18 If the fund seeks to maintain a stable price per share, state the price the fund seeks to maintain.
Item A.19 7-day gross yield. Based on the 7 days ended on the last day of the prior month, calculate the fund's yield by determining the net change, exclusive of capital changes and income other than investment income, in the value of a hypothetical pre-existing account having a balance of one share at the beginning of the period and dividing the difference by the value of the account at the beginning of the base period to obtain the base period return, and then multiplying the base period return by (365/7) with the resulting yield figure carried to the nearest hundredth of one percent. The 7-day gross yield should not reflect a deduction of shareholders fees and fund operating expenses. For master funds and feeder funds, report the 7-day gross yield at the master-fund level.
Item A.20 Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions) rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the net asset value per share, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):

Part B: Class-Level Information about the Fund

For each Class of the Series (regardless of the number of shares outstanding in the Class), disclose the following:

Item B.1 EDGAR Class identifier.
Item B.2 Minimum initial investment.
Item B.3 Net assets of the Class, to the nearest cent.
Item B.4 Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth.
Item B.5 Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the net asset value per share, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
Item B.6 Net shareholder flow. Provide the aggregate weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and gross redemptions, rounded to the nearest cent, as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the gross subscriptions or gross redemptions, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
a. Friday, week 1:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
b. Friday, week 2:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
c. Friday, week 3:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
d. Friday, week 4:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
e. Friday, week 5:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
f. Total for the month reported:
i. Monthly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Monthly gross redemptions:
Item B.7 7-day net yield, as calculated under Item 26(a)(1) of Form N-1A (§ 274.11A of this chapter).
Item B.8 During the reporting period, did any Person pay for, or waive all or part of the fund's operating expenses or management fees? If Yes, answer Item B.8.a. Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No

Part B: Class-Level Information about the Fund

For each Class of the Series (regardless of the number of shares outstanding in the Class), disclose the following:

Item B.1 EDGAR Class identifier.
Item B.2 Minimum initial investment.
Item B.3 Net assets of the Class, to the nearest cent.
Item B.4 Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth.
Item B.5 Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the net asset value per share, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
i. Friday, week 1:
ii. Friday, week 2:
iii. Friday, week 3:
iv. Friday, week 4:
v. Friday, week 5 (if applicable):
Item B.6 Net shareholder flow. Provide the aggregate weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and gross redemptions, rounded to the nearest cent, as of the close of business on each Friday during the month reported (if the reporting date falls on a holiday or other day on which the fund does not calculate the gross subscriptions or gross redemptions, provide the value as of the close of business on the date in that week last calculated):
a. Friday, week 1:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
b. Friday, week 2:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
c. Friday, week 3:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
d. Friday, week 4:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
e. Friday, week 5:
i. Weekly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Weekly gross redemptions:
f. Total for the month reported:
i. Monthly gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Monthly gross redemptions:
Item B.7 7-day net yield, as calculated under Item 26(a)(1) of Form N-1A (§ 274.11A of this chapter).
Item B.8 During the reporting period, did any Person pay for, or waive all or part of the fund's operating expenses or management fees? If Yes, answer Item B.8.a. Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
a. Provide the name of the Person and describe the nature and amount of the expense payment or fee waiver, or both (reported in dollars).
Investment Advisor and its affiliates Contractual 1,296,896

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Alabama HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
California Statewide Communities Development Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
California Statewide Communities Development Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
California Statewide Communities Development Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
California Statewide Communities Development Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Capital Area Housing Finance Corporation
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Contra Costa Cnty
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
DeKalb Cnty Housing Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Eden Prairie
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Emeryville Successor Redevelopment Agency
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Florida Housing Finance Corp
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Hillsborough Cnty HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Loganville Housing Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Marietta Housing Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Maryland Community Development Administration
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Metro Government of Nashville & Davidson Cnty Health & Educational Facilities Board
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Montgomery Cnty Housing Opportunities Commission
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Nevada Housing Division
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Nevada Housing Division
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York City Housing Development Corp
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HOUSING RB (39TH ST) SERIES 2000A 4.950000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HOUSING RB (316 11TH AVE) SERIES 2007A 4.950000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HOUSING RB (360 W 43RD ST) SERIES 2002A 4.950000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
New York State HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
HOUSING RB (RELATED-42ND & 10TH) SERIES 2007A 3.720000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Orange Cnty HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Orange Cnty HFA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Oregon Facilities Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Panhandle Regional Housing Financial Corp
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Sacramento Housing Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Sacramento Cnty Housing Auth
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
St. Charles Cnty IDA
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
St. Louis Park
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
St. Louis Park
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
St. Tammany Parish Development District
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
San Antonio Housing Finance Corp
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
San Jose
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Texas Dept of Housing & Community Affairs
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Texas Dept of Housing & Community Affairs
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Texas Dept of Housing & Community Affairs
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Texas Dept of Housing & Community Affairs
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2020-011 LF
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC008CA R12F008
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2010-164 FA
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC080AC R13F080
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS8818
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CISB0285
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CTBM5018
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBM5137
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA0147
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA1712
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLCA4349
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CQMA1788
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9916
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9918
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 U4BF0243
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 U4BF0246
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM2002
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLRA2146
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZT1703
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q10436 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC V84789 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q26446 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G67710 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G67719 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q53973 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G61057 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V81353 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V83149 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS7350
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS7917
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 1.600000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 1.610000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Farm Federal Credit Bank
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Farm Federal Credit Bank
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CLAA0294
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 781750 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CLAA5876
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
BNP Paribas SA
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC027E R17F027
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRM 2016-75 WA
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2020-009 FA
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC041CH R16F041
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRM 2017-043 PC
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA3991
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 697924 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLBN7703
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3686
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 698227 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 783484 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783098 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783099 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 783464 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 698462 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 783619 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII SP 783620 M
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8000
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8010
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783118 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s).
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer.
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature.
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J25586 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J28720 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC T65503 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC C04664 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC C09044 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18452 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC G18462 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIBA2677
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIBA3539
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBA4720
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBA4750
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBC0878
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAZ4779
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAZ6158
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAZ7950
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAY5322
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAY5012
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAY7920
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBC9261
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLBC9328
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAW3740
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAW4179
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAW8064
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAW8173
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAU6759
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAU9415
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRAV5051
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAV5863
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAW3591
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAU0941
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAU2619
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAU2670
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CKAU4184
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAU6685
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRAT5915
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAT5916
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAT5926
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAB7895
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAB8925
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL9309
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 760007 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC Q50878 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q52117 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q52142 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC Q55401 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J20785 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18520 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC G18547 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC T62374 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC C04320 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18510 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC V60715 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC V80168 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC V83529 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CI890641
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CI890622
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 07.000 CI909163
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL962397
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBN3309
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBN3416
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLBN4380
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBN6371
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIBM1382
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM1480
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIBM1915
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIBH9862
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLBK8723
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLBK8750
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBM1064
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM1066
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL8924
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL8215
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q01982 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q02385 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBD0998
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIBD9606
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLBE1055
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBC9101
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2392
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLBD0068
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBD0449
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIBC0048
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBC0097
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBC4411
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL3191
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL4465
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL1799
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL1444
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAL1949
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL2092
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK5412
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q24752 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q03339 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q05710 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC U90378 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC U90436 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC U91238 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC Q17386 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAL6105
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL6144
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAL6603
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL5878
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL5937
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAL5926
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK9743
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL1719
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL1741
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ5580
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ6973
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK5214
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 ZL310168
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAL8219
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL8271
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL8380
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL9233
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL9256
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO7456
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAO2740
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO3261
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO3687
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL8556
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL8600
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL8804
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS0050
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS0214
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CRAS0271
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS0289
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAR2043
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 PLAR8153
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAR9248
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAQ9370
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAQ9472
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ9958
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAR0842
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAR1081
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ5082
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ7425
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G07849 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G15686 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA3030
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q46961 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q47876 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q48660 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q36216 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q39638 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q60959 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q40648 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAQ0451
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ0456
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q42621 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q44994 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAB4937
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4033
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4213
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4670
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA1440
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIMA1468
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBN0323
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL6185
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAL5637
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL5744
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL3624
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAL2716
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAL3024
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL3039
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAL3041
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLAQ9316
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAQ9318
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAQ9292
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP2311
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAP4710
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO9780
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO9172
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAP0456
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO5267
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2973
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAB9512
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAB5817
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAB6636
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CRAB7010
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAB7397
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAB7482
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAY2765
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAY3409
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAY3801
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAX3715
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2726
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAX5237
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAY9308
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAY9376
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAX9550
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CVAT2767
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CQAS9031
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CQAS9032
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CQAS9236
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAS9315
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS7347
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC G18480 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18515 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAX6103
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAX8417
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX1660
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX1645
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX2626
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAX2509
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX3008
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX3675
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX0142
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX0220
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX0242
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX0700
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX0961
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX1494
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAW8221
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAW8597
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAW9203
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAW9212
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAX0857
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNAS7962
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNAS8618
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAS6362
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS6468
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS6515
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAS7001
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CTAS6972
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAT7229
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAT0356
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAT2035
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLAT2717
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS5182
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS6198
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS4301
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS4739
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS3465
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAS4474
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS3603
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS3604
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS1976
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAS2369
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRAS3084
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS3237
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL7437
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAL7446
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL6889
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL7207
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS5413
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS5423
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAS5438
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS5969
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS6121
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS4916
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ2378
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ5059
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAP9787
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAP9625
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ0434
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP4746
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAP4784
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAP5990
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP1786
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAP2686
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2629
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIMA1933
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2589
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2262
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2294
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA2162
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA1998
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA2031
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA2072
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS3377
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAS1361
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS2675
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS1860
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL7566
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAL7590
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL7689
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL7736
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAL7298
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B1197 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC C09000 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC A96409 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC G18457 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC G08631 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08667 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08681 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08693 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08711 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08541 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08572 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08554 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G08601 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08599 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBA1048
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAZ4788
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAZ8831
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAW8166
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAU6966
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAU3742
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAT4291
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CKMA1702
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRMA1711
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRMA1790
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CTMA1059
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLAB7728
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 ZT310184
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G60089 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G60075 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G60400 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G60919 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G60855 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G60857 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849409 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1Q1865 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q20332 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC V82006 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAB4696
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CL890765
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 GLAB4409
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBN4454
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLBO0395
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA3097
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA3159
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBM1285
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CJBJ6651
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLBE3782
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J22597 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J23906 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBH1166
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLBE2447
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA2471
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBC0506
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIBC4409
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL1795
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAL2392
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CQAK8657
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B1569 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC U80169 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q00155 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q02662 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL7277
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CTAL6317
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL0759
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAJ7680
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ9354
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CQAK0765
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 840879 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 840260 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 840440 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL8383
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAL8387
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL9260
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAO2976
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAO2993
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS0531
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS0761
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAR6867
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAR8558
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAR2001
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G07846 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G07943 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAE0828
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAE7282
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAE9997
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLMA3386
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CKMA3446
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLMA3448
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3625
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CKMA3607
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3677
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CKMA3068
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q39440 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q60730 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAQ0485
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB5215
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRAB5617
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4211
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CQAB5398
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CTMA1490
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1510
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA1570
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1547
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA1600
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRMA1328
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CQMA1354
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRMA1356
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLMA1439
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1178
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1217
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1253
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CQMA1263
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIMA1047
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRMA1124
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1125
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIMA1145
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1146
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CQMA1169
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLMA0863
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CQMA0495
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAL5957
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL4693
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRAL4741
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL4911
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL3678
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL3803
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAL4307
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRAP2109
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO7624
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO7766
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAO9990
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3231
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLMA3374
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2915
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA2924
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2939
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA2940
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA2965
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA2821
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CKMA2843
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CKMA2846
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CTMA2914
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CKMA3524
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3546
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLAB8464
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAB8787
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CVAB6965
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4919
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX4887
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLMA3564
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3573
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3595
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAZ3904
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CRAS9043
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAT0296
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS7247
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS7463
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18483 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18485 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G08720 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAX0841
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS7601
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS6302
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLAT2721
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS4962
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAS3988
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS4716
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS4783
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS4371
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO7975
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL7969
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CTAL8062
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL7205
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS5696
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS4886
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLAP9633
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAQ0035
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP7871
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP1608
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2512
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2513
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2525
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3474
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CKMA3500
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3503
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA2671
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTMA1834
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRMA1866
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA1980
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRMA1591
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRMA1629
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CRMA1664
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2570
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA2612
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CTMA1459
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2450
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2458
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLMA2495
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2342
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIMA2331
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CTMA2388
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2185
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2244
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2217
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA2233
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2239
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2145
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA2126
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CTMA2211
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA2047
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2064
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA2117
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAS3214
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAS1756
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAS1304
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS2676
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL9809
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAL7387
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC G08622 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAW5063
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAT4264
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G60512 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC G18554 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.000 FGPC G18466 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLBE4557
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CKBE7679
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBC2666
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL5851
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAO0289
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAR6707
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G07697 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G07209 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q41103 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRAB5519
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNMA2779
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2850
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4927
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAY3425
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G08752 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS4953
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS3703
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRAP9766
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2488
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2365
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA2101
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2154
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAL9846
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18439 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G08557 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAZ7207
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAI3505
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO2647
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO7976
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRMA1177
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CRMA1283
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL3765
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL4235
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLAQ8653
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAQ0437
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO5301
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CIAT2769
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAS4768
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP4748
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAP7539
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRAO6757
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA2214
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2018-92 BF
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2019-31 CF
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRM 2020-017 EU
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2010-115 BF
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNRA 2010-150 FJ
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC081AX R13F081
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC073KA R13F073
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM RC080AC R13F080
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNRM CL136KB R13F136
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SP 783094 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC A61519 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G07165 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAE0715
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA4831
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLCA4987
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLFM1867
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLCA5370
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLCA4545
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBN5066
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBN5424
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CLBN7267
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLBM5511
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBK7016
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBK8011
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLQA6565
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q47617 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZM3932
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZN3914
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZN4674
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B7509 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B7692 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CLAA8940
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLFM1921
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLQA7778
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLQA3135
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA3208
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA6268
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA5995
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLQA6130
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBK2171
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q52435 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBA6011
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAT1349
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLQA6341
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLQA0222
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLCA4826
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9918
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9977
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CRAL7383
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLFM1390
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLCA4108
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CICA5288
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLCA4799
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLCA4801
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CTCA1037
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA2640
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLCA2034
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA2207
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CTCA2234
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA2730
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA0144
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA0398
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM5135
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBM5152
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBM5246
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM5436
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBN3956
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CTBM1372
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBM2002
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CTBM4070
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBM5353
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBK3266
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBK4772
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBK9280
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLBK9281
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 U4BF0246
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBH1392
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAP2148
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
07.000 FGPC G04889 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC T61416 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC T62173 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC C03840 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNMI SF 736663 X
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G60139 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G61431 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G67704 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G67719 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZS4785
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZS4789
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZS4790
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZT0711
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC A97180 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL953088
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL953095
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL986151
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAB9589
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL930245
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL930307
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL930318
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL930424
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBH2617
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBH3284
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ1701
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAZ2000
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q57028 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q58483 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V83191 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC V84653 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC V84789 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q60362 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC Q45864 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBC9002
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CTBE9717
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 I4BF0169
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 U4BF0243
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAT2743
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q11221 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC V60874 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V80615 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V81353 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC V83149 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZT1593
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLZT1859
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZT1951
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLZT1952
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLSD8006
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CLSD7506
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZA5949
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZA6527
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q58583 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G60866 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAV6619
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS4009
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS5821
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAS7917
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAS9656
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q11067 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL948102
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLCA4808
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA3495
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA2995
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA3443
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CLMA3801
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CLMA3937
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAE0635
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CVAU0267
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G60046 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q25770 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAV1339
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
FICC BNY 0.010000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CLSD8055
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 02.500 CLSD8049
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q43887 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 I4BF0217
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G30559 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA1391
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLMA3776
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q50033 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAS3877
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAS9597
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBM5348
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD0026
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.000 FGPC Q34990 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
BNP PARIBAS SA 0.020000%
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Fannie Mae
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
Freddie Mac
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNII JP 782981 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLSD8050
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC Q58594 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC G61416 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLCA3391
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CIZK9189
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q49553 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLRA1089
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIBK3760
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBO8393
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLBO8395
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G08694 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZN0951
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
GNAR AF 899286 C
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAK1320
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLBE6503
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.000 CIZN2262
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CTZA2119
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.000 CLZS4117
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.500 CLZT0168
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 05.500 CTSC0010
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CLRA2169
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 03.000 CIZK9320
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZM5981
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 06.000 CLZM7823
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FEPC 04.500 CLZM8310
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G08677 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAQ3431
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAQ4842
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAQ4870
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CLAR0230
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAL5914
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL6963
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAO1916
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL2943
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL763781
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CL725236
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CLAU6528
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAH1183
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAH1520
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAH2377
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CI887311
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CL738611
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255767
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC Q03339 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
03.500 FGPC Q04087 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 840328 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI257220
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAL0720
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL0232
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255550
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL3796
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL1247
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAL1379
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL1465
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAL1723
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL0944
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAL1245
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL0430
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A92285 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC A93606 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC A96413 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A21478 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A89699 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL922366
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL928292
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL905952
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL909175
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 07.000 CI909208
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL889602
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI889735
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI889887
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI890231
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CI890376
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB3551
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAB3251
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G14426 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G14615 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G15000 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G14011 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT931851
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G18265 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAD8225
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CTAE0787
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAE0031
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLAE0115
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAE0159
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4484
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB4673
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB5236
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAB2052
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAB2300
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAB3495
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CI995731
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI963451
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI966687
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI966794
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI967588
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL936546
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CI944357
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 07.000 CI993953
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI972080
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI972932
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CI888926
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI984077
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI960754
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAD0659
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CNMA1962
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI985438
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J21159 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J21427 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI933889
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI933489
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI929399
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAL0399
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK0006
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK4047
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAL3941
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL3588
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK6784
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ8352
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ9387
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAJ4060
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ7715
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAH2885
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAI1917
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAH0964
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAH0965
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI929583
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI931730
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAE0710
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAE0939
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL0305
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI995957
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAA1790
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CLAB0054
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CI995395
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CI995410
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI994933
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CT995206
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CI995219
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI984258
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL899858
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL888635
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC G14348 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G13833 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G13202 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL3919
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC J11372 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNAB6541
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNAB8874
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CJAB8459
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNAB8744
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNAB9180
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNAB9690
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC J18406 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIMA1102
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLAC9529
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAE0620
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAE0707
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A84640 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A90377 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A90763 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A91160 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CTAL8822
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL4195
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAL4898
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CTAL5174
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 07.500 CL667561
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL725424
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL725280
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL735502
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT735721
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNAR XX.XXX S1886163
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT831646
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL745275
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G04527 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G02736 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G02744 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G02916 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G03161 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G03400 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G03620 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1J0358 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1J0405 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1J0453 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G02055 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G02408 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G02726 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC A75319 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC A78982 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC A79390 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B0007 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1J0256 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1J0244 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1B1291 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT256571
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT255894
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255628
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CT254954
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255182
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255160
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1B0889 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL190391
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255575
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT256946
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT257057
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI257127
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI257196
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT257282
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT256628
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 NP256704
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT256708
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT256751
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT256820
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT256855
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 NP255957
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT256153
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CT256275
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CTAL0537
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL0517
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLAL0662
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CIAK7766
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL0278
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT257490
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255408
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT255493
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CT257326
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT257595
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL483802
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 07.500 CL504163
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL619118
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL2963
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL3757
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAL1381
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAL1953
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL0953
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL1120
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAL0446
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849386 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849539 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849520 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC A15479 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL929182
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNAR XX.XXX S1906281
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CL911605
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTAB2795
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G08355 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 2L920933
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC C91021 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC C91033 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC C91093 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC C91199 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC C91208 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC C91261 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
02.500 FGPC G18438 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1J1732 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC C90925 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC C90912 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G13511 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G13516 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G06875 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G06020 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G06084 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAE0040
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTAD5222
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB1933
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB2046
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAB2509
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI933970
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI934900
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CI940446
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CL988580
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI995472
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI970647
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CZ889073
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNAR XX.XXX S1872895
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKBN0730
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI963138
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CTAD5542
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLAD7136
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CQAD7988
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CQAD7245
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CTAD0838
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CTAD0329
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CTAD0756
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLAD1597
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CIAD3830
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNMA1443
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.500 CNMA1431
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNMA1585
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849625 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B1100 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B1381 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 2B3989 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 848902 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849096 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 849294 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI932566
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 GL932652
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CI932833
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CI932836
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK3264
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAL2193
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAL2442
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIAL2723
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ7716
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ7717
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CJAJ7718
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G08167 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G08179 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ9386
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAJ4093
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAJ5336
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CJAJ7712
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAH5616
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAH9345
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CI931195
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI931690
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G30290 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G30384 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G30376 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G30480 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G30482 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G30564 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CQAE9532
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CIAE0286
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.000 CIAL0294
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1B4757 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 847549 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 847576 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC A45188 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC A51771 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI995958
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 GLAB0460
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CI995264
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CI995406
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNAR XX.XXX S1995615
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT995700
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL995018
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI995185
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CI995259
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CL888209
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 06.500 CT888228
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G03914 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G04214 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G04320 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G13644 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G13180 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G06375 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G06962 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G07286 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G04773 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G05337 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G05368 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G05719 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G03737 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G03837 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1N1417 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC C91366 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC C91370 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTMA0792
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CTMA0818
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTMA0115
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1N0169 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1N0333 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIMA0953
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNMA1313
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 02.000 CNMA1350
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 NPMA0132
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTMA0353
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CTMA0472
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 NPMA0594
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIMA0669
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.000 CIMA0678
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CLAC5446
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CIAE0467
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CKMA3346
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 04.500 CTMA0734
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC C03565 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A84432 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC A87958 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1N1433 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1N1457 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1N1582 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1G2603 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1G1999 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1Q1434 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC A90768 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC A91942 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FMAR 1B8217 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC C01848 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G14501 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G14527 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G14796 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G13838 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G13857 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G15102 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G18192 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G14252 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.500 FGPC G13426 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA1906
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC G15327 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G15349 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G15718 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAH5614
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAE8728
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G13587 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.500 FGPC G13625 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G13804 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G05457 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G05641 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC J05593 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC J15780 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CNMA1675
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC J12076 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL888283
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL776289
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL850884
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CL738567
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT254985
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CT256170
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CT256272
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL1561
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL0958
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
06.000 FGPC E02388 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC G13888 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CI993733
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI970997
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CI984257
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.000 CIAK0490
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAK4491
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAL2125
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 03.500 CIAJ1740
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.500 FGPC G13562 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
05.000 FGPC J10987 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
04.000 FGPC J11369 G
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.000 CTMA0082
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLAE0484
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
FNMS 05.500 CLAE0609
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities. For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item C.1 The name of the issuer.
Item C.2 The title of the issue (including coupon, if applicable).
Item C.3 The CUSIP.
Item C.4 The LEI (if available). (See General Instruction E.)
Item C.5 Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK; or
c. Other unique identifier.
Item C.6 The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement, if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement, collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement, if any collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7 If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8 For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral).
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
b. The name of the collateral issuer.
c. LEI (if available).
d. Maturity date.
e. Coupon or yield.
f. The principal amount, to the nearest cent.
g. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent.
h. The category of investments that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose: (a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item C.9 Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10 Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11 The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii)).
Item C.12 The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)).
Item C.13 The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid).
Item C.14 Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15 Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a.
Item C.16 Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a - 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b - 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.
Item C.17 The yield of the security as of the reporting date.
Item C.18 The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Item C.20 Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21 Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22 Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23 Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24 Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

N-MFP: Signatures

Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

The Charles Schwab Family of Funds
Mark Fischer
Name of Signing Officer
Mark Fischer
Title of Signing Officer
Chief Financial Officer