Washington, D.C. 20549


OMB Number: 3235-0657
Expires: May 31, 2013
Estimated average burden
hours per response: 10.9

1. Identity Information

Report for
CIK Number of Registrant
EDGAR Series Identifier
Total number of share classes in the series
Do you anticipate that this will be the fund's final filing on Form N-MFP?
   Yes X No
Is the fund liquidating?
   Yes X No
Is the fund merging with, or being acquired by, another fund?
   Yes X No
Successor fund CIK Successor fund Securities Act File Number Successor fund EDGAR Series Identifier
If this is not a final filing: has the fund acquired or merged with another fund since the last filing?
   Yes X No
Acquired or merged fund CIK Acquired or merged fund Securities Act File Number Acquired or merged fund EDGAR Series Identifier

Part I - Information about the Fund

A. Series-Level Information

Item 1. Securities Act File Number
Item 2. Investment Adviser
Adviser SEC File Number
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. 801-35905
Item 3. Sub-Adviser. If a fund has one or more sub-advisers, disclose the name of each sub-adviser
Sub Advisor SEC File Number
Item 4. Independent Public Accountant
Name City State
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP San Francisco CA
Item 5. Administrator. If a fund has one or more administrators, disclose the name of each administrator
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
Item 6. Transfer Agent
Name CIK Number SEC File Number
Boston Financial Data Services, Inc. 0000275143 84-00896
Item 7. Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a feeder fund?
   Yes X No
a. Identify the master fund by CIK
b. Securities Act file number of the master fund
c. EDGAR series identifier of the master fund
Item 8. Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a master fund?
   Yes X No
a. If this is a master fund, identify all feeder funds by CIK or, if the fund does not have a CIK, by name
b. Securities Act file number of each feeder fund
c. EDGAR series identifier of each feeder fund
Item 9. Is this series primarily used to fund insurance company separate accounts?
   Yes X No
Item 10. Category. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the money market fund
Item 11. Dollar weighted average portfolio maturity
55 days
Item 12. Dollar weighted average life maturity. Calculate the dollar weighted average portfolio maturity without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(d) regarding interest rate readjustments
74 days
Item 13. Total value of portfolio securities at amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 14. Total value of other assets, to the nearest cent
Item 15. Total value of liabilities, to the nearest cent
Item 16. Net assets of the series, to the nearest cent
Item 17. 7-day gross yield
Item 18. Shadow Price of the Series
a. The net asset value per share most recently calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest hundredth of a cent.
b. Date as of which the market-based net asset value disclosed in item 18a was calculated.
c. The net asset value per share most recently calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest hundredth of a cent.
d. Date as of which the market-based net asset value disclosed in item 18c was calculated.

B. Class-Level Information.
For each Class of the Series, disclose the following:

Item 19. EDGAR Class Identifier
Item 20. Minimum Initial Investment
Item 21. Net assets of the Class, to the nearest cent
Item 22. Net asset value per share for purposes of distributions, redemptions, and repurchase, to the nearest cent
Item 23. Net shareholder flow activity for the month ended (subscriptions less redemptions), to the nearest cent
a. Gross subscriptions for the month ended (Including dividend reinvestments), to the nearest cent
b. Gross redemptions for the month ended, to the nearest cent
Item 24. 7-day net yield, as calculated under Item 26(a)(1) of Form N-1A
Item 25. Shadow Price of Each Class
a. The net asset value per share most recently calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest hundredth of a cent.
b. Date as of which the market-based net asset value disclosed in item 25a was calculated.
c. The net asset value per share most recently calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest hundredth of a cent.
d. Date as of which the market-based net asset value disclosed in item 25c was calculated.

Part II - Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following:

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
ABAG Finance Auth
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Taxable RB (Public Policy Institute of California) Series 2001 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Abbey National North America LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Abbey National North America LLC 0.360000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Santander UK Plc
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Abbey National Treasury Services Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Abbey National Treasury Services Plc 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Santander UK Plc
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 0.160000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description
Security is a time deposit.
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 0.150000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description
Security is a time deposit.
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 0.160000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description
Security is a time deposit.
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of America, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of America, NA 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of America, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of America, NA 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of America, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of America, NA 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Montreal
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Montreal 0.130000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Montreal
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Montreal 0.120000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Montreal
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Montreal 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Nova Scotia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Nova Scotia 0.420000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Nova Scotia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Nova Scotia 0.279200%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Nova Scotia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Nova Scotia 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Nova Scotia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Nova Scotia 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Nova Scotia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Nova Scotia 0.100000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description
Security is a time deposit.
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of the West
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of the West 0.295000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.450000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.470000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.450000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.450000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.380000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Bank Plc 0.380000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Capital, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Capital, Inc 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2038-04-20
c. Coupon or yield: 2.6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $71,221,060.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $58,638,205.27
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2040-04-20
c. Coupon or yield: 1.043
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $79,653,186.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $43,025,694.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2043-04-20
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,223,181.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,336,100.85
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Barclays Capital, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Barclays Capital, Inc 0.160000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2017-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.873
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,118,861.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $66,862.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2017-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.994
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $27,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $187,249.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2018-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.88
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $16,588,606.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $101,475.19
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2018-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.231
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $13,400,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $115,587.04
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2019-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.097
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $105,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $109,122.22
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2021-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.794
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $51,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $58,802.04
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2021-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.805
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $191,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $221,659.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2021-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.402
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $103,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $119,881.71
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2021-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.112
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $97,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $107,088.16
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2021-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.255
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $103,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $109,039.88
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2022-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.255
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $116,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $124,453.97
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2025-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.717
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,794,116.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $11,488.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.652
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $26,985,034.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $125,812.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.195
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $66,512,384.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $153,876.41
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2029-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.25
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $71,137,334.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $177,238.42
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2030-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.633
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $14,875,710.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $165,513.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.353
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,563,214.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $235,243.20
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.09
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $32,628.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.355
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $35,266,554.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $379,326.69
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.615
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $44,604.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.163
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $43,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $366,507.03
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.263
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,215,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $154,683.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.784
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,000,993.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $219,359.71
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.277
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $622,379.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $71,406.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.75
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,400,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $266,595.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.458
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,910,807.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $207,520.31
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.624
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $251,339.71
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.692
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,948,416.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $295,732.62
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.361
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $125,840.69
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.911
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $310,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $46,973.86
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.939
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,950,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $376,495.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.357
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $989,545.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $144,434.95
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.798
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $327,206.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.587
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $650,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $179,823.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.112
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,544,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $184,613.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.377
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,128,600.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $101,336.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.051
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,543,526.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $169,884.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.665
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,810,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $296,697.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.456
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $270,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $159,670.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.48
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,650,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $171,034.20
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.521
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,130,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $291,993.13
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.793
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $216,903.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.657
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $930,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $121,176.51
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.935
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,300,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $246,444.39
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.359
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,130,621.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $995,735.42
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.065
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,329,375.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $34,937.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.63
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $288,202.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.464
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $110,808.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $54,179.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.828
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,122,858.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $185,854.94
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.155
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $348,467.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.337
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $139,258.11
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.705
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $92,388.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.317
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $242,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $44,447.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.082
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $575,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $112,326.69
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.464
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,016.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,195.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.175
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,950,429.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $144,470.54
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.685
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $76,389.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $33,375.06
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.63
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,615,822.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $381,192.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.471
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $31,347.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $13,144.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.428
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,849,067.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $301,007.34
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.177
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $292,433.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.641
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $123,256.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $58,528.79
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.326
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $199,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $121,378.27
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.197
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $58,670.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $40,074.72
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.544
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $510,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $296,276.95
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.196
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,221,692.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,266,322.44
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.393
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $218,436.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $142,817.32
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.296
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $113,428.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $69,090.32
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.378
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,005,617.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $275,908.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.94
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $450,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $303,336.84
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.518
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $505,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $312,899.57
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.315
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $134,646.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $78,938.87
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.42
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $150,767.23
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,623,442.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,293,637.35
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $873,175.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $747,476.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.369
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $178,899.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $162,528.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.105
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $28,287.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $26,650.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.26
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $25,272.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $26,306.78
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.378
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,065,889.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $243,213.63
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2038-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $276,920.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $76,599.87
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas 0.600000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas 0.600000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas 0.585000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas 0.440000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas 0.410000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas Securities Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas Securities Corp 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CNOOC FIN 2012 LTD
b. Maturity date: 2022-05-02
c. Coupon or yield: 3.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,986,216.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,231,089.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GERDAU HOLDINGS INC
b. Maturity date: 2020-01-20
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,200,020.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,027,164.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP
b. Maturity date: 2037-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $198,494.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $229,446.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HUTCHISON WHAMPOA
b. Maturity date: 2033-11-24
c. Coupon or yield: 7.45
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,154,167.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,400,089.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: KOREA GAS CORP
b. Maturity date: 2042-01-21
c. Coupon or yield: 6.25
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,009,261.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,880,371.28
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MORGAN STANLEY
b. Maturity date: 2015-01-26
c. Coupon or yield: 4.1
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,918,326.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,265,646.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2021-01-27
c. Coupon or yield: 5.375
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $721,434.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $806,033.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PETROBRAS INTERNTL FINANCE CO
b. Maturity date: 2014-09-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $809,983.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $885,868.28
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 5.31 DUE 04052024
b. Maturity date: 2017-12-15
c. Coupon or yield: 3.15
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $613,435.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $679,558.69
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: TIME WARNER CABLE INC
b. Maturity date: 2021-02-15
c. Coupon or yield: 4.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,733,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,558,062.77
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: VODAFONE GROUP PLC ADRS
b. Maturity date: 2018-02-19
c. Coupon or yield: 1.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,023,964.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,036,671.12
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas Securities Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas Securities Corp 0.270000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC
b. Maturity date: 2020-12-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.4
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,867,475.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,664,527.91
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BANCOLOMBIA S A ADR
b. Maturity date: 2021-06-03
c. Coupon or yield: 5.95
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,068,660.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,542,141.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CORPORATION ANDINA DE FOMENTO NOTES DUE 1998
b. Maturity date: 2019-06-04
c. Coupon or yield: 8.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,775,492.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,368,153.69
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
b. Maturity date: 2023-01-22
c. Coupon or yield: 3.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,415,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,696,399.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2021-01-27
c. Coupon or yield: 5.375
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,217,004.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,828,778.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNP Paribas Securities Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNP Paribas Securities Corp 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2041-10-20
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,131,236.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,649,843.18
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2041-08-20
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $341,743,388.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $249,999,999.61
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2043-02-20
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $69,237,185.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $74,950,157.78
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNZ International Funding Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNZ International Funding Ltd 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Bank of New Zealand
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
BNZ International Funding Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
BNZ International Funding Ltd 0.205000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Bank of New Zealand
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Branch Banking & Trust Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Branch Banking & Trust Co 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Branch Banking & Trust Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Branch Banking & Trust Co 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
CAFCO, LLC 0.380000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
CAFCO, LLC 0.460000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
RAN 2012-2013 Series A1 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
JP Morgan Chase & Co
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 0.288200%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Cancara Asset Securitisation, LLC 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Catholic Health Initiatives
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Taxable CP Notes Series A 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.270000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.270000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.260000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chariot Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.260000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chase Bank USA, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chase Bank USA, NA 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chase Bank USA, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chase Bank USA, NA 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Chase Bank USA, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Chase Bank USA, NA 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Citibank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Citibank, NA 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Citibank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Citibank, NA 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Citibank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Citibank, NA 0.280000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Citibank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Citibank, NA 0.280000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0.495600%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
CRC Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
CRC Funding, LLC 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
CRC Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
CRC Funding, LLC 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
CRC Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
CRC Funding, LLC 0.500000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
CRC Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
CRC Funding, LLC 0.500000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse AG 5.000000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse AG 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse AG 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse AG 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse AG 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC 0.140000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Treasury Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2016-06-30
c. Coupon or yield: 1.5
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $93,065,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $96,901,356.51
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC 0.160000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-05-16
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $999,989.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-05-30
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,550,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,549,974.47
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-07-05
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $230,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $229,986.21
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-07-18
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,988,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,987,101.05
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $45,850,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $45,844,498.73
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-08-08
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,181,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $19,178,123.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-09-19
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,280,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $9,277,216.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2016-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 0.25
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $75,544,800.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $75,411,273.35
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC 0.710000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A JPALT 2008-R2 A1
b. Maturity date: 2036-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,816.13
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A LGNA 2004-1A ASB1
b. Maturity date: 2044-11-03
c. Coupon or yield: 0.698
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $23,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,018,634.44
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A TRUMN 2004-1 M2
b. Maturity date: 2034-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.9002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $421,006.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $397,367.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A UBSBM 2012-WRM D
b. Maturity date: 2030-06-10
c. Coupon or yield: 4.3792
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $890,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $898,384.47
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ACE 2004-HE1 M2
b. Maturity date: 2034-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.3002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,671,712.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,272,776.82
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AMSI 2006-R2 M3
b. Maturity date: 2036-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5802
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $252,905.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ARMT
b. Maturity date: 2037-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.167
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $130,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $57,179.84
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ATRIUM IX
b. Maturity date: 2024-02-28
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,600,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,320,593.21
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BALTA 2005-7 (B57L)
b. Maturity date: 2035-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.9254
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,890,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $535,478.59
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BALTA 2006-8 1A1
b. Maturity date: 2046-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3602
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,220,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $693,884.93
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BOAA 2005-9 1CB2
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $805,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $624,684.34
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BSABS 2007-AQ2 A4
b. Maturity date: 2037-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5302
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,124,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,015,143.77
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CARR 2006-NC1 A3
b. Maturity date: 2036-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4102
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,457,395.11
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CFAB 2004-1 2B
b. Maturity date: 2032-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.7502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $14,750,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $12,784.97
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CSMC
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $41,600.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $13,118.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CSMC 2007-3 1A3A
b. Maturity date: 2037-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.7456
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,895,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $989,090.97
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT
b. Maturity date: 2046-05-20
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4092
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,840,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $570,147.21
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT
b. Maturity date: 2047-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.5567
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $335,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $189,116.10
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2005-24 4A2
b. Maturity date: 2035-07-20
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4992
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,011,800.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $72,292.11
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2005-42CB A1
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.8802
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,315,461.20
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2005-42CB A2
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.8502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $13,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,063,270.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2005-J10 2A3
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $580,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $150,648.96
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2005-J11 1A11
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,370,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,055,269.31
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2006-37R A1
b. Maturity date: 2036-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.8002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $775,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $208,033.62
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2006-OA1 1A2
b. Maturity date: 2046-03-20
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4992
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $11,055,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $63,723.76
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2006-OA10 4A2
b. Maturity date: 2046-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4302
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,655,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $483,907.20
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2007-9T1 2A3
b. Maturity date: 2037-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,300,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,558,915.11
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWHEL 2004-K 2A
b. Maturity date: 2034-02-15
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4987
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $205,508.59
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWHL 2005-HYB7 6A1
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-20
c. Coupon or yield: 5.1456
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,620,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $495,006.32
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWHL 2007-2 A1
b. Maturity date: 2037-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,240,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,408,172.01
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.867
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,360,413.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,225,060.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2005-10 MF2
b. Maturity date: 2036-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.213
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,325,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $286,350.20
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2005-16 4AV3
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,430,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,494,366.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2005-17 4A2A
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4602
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $317,548.93
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2006-10 MF1
b. Maturity date: 2046-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.3561
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,270,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $73,356.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2006-S4 A4
b. Maturity date: 2034-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.932
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,003,700.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,032,636.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2006-S6 A5
b. Maturity date: 2034-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.962
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,356,998.68
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2007-5 2A3
b. Maturity date: 2047-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4202
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,675,840.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2007-7 2A3
b. Maturity date: 2047-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4302
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,164,200.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,409,357.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CXHE 2003-B M1
b. Maturity date: 2033-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.9002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,329,076.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $512,705.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FFML 2005-FF1 M1
b. Maturity date: 2034-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6902
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $154,218.36
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FHLT 2004-1 M4
b. Maturity date: 2034-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.1502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $184,498.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GMACM
b. Maturity date: 2036-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3802
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,630,839.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $811,984.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GMACM 2007-HE3 1A1
b. Maturity date: 2037-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,013,378.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GPMF 2005-AR4 4A2
b. Maturity date: 2045-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5602
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,586,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $34,500.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GSR
b. Maturity date: 2046-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3902
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $31,702,690.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,102,869.35
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GSR 2005-8F 3A2
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.7002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,445,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $924,584.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GSR 2006-3F 2A2
b. Maturity date: 2036-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,126,500.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $525,548.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GSR 2007-2F 3A3
b. Maturity date: 2037-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,260,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $328,557.05
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: INDA 2007-AR3 1A1
b. Maturity date: 2037-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.2168
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,582,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,554,904.15
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: JPMCC 2006-CB17 AJ
b. Maturity date: 2043-12-12
c. Coupon or yield: 5.489
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $870,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $507,830.93
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: JPMCC 2006-LDP7 B
b. Maturity date: 2045-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.0588
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,226,286.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: LABS 01-B M1
b. Maturity date: 2028-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.63
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $486,303.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MLMI 2006-FF1 B1
b. Maturity date: 2036-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.9502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $343,406.89
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MSAC 2005-NC2 M5
b. Maturity date: 2035-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.8402
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,760,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $610,285.28
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: OAK 2001-D A4
b. Maturity date: 2031-09-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.93
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $365,900.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $175,567.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: OAKWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS IN
b. Maturity date: 2026-10-15
c. Coupon or yield: 8.392
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,990,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,588,429.38
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RALI 2005-QA10 A31
b. Maturity date: 2035-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.7655
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,900,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,380,962.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RALI 2007-QS1 2A2
b. Maturity date: 2037-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5602
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,405,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $426,360.30
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RAMC
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6.063
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,681,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $325,374.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RAMC 2002-3 M1
b. Maturity date: 2032-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.2002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,375,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,687,574.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RAMC 2005-3 M3
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.484
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $160,743.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RASC 2001-KS3 AII
b. Maturity date: 2031-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4302
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,922,400.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $132,310.49
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RASC 2005-AHL2 M1
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6202
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,350,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $726,047.72
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RAST 2006-A12 A3
b. Maturity date: 2036-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $230,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $129,097.49
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RBSGC
b. Maturity date: 2037-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,370,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,503,819.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RFMSI 2006-S8 A13
b. Maturity date: 2036-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5502
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,020,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,159,065.02
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SARM 2006-4 5A1
b. Maturity date: 2036-03-31
c. Coupon or yield: 5.1916
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,125,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,046,325.71
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SARM 2006-7 1A1
b. Maturity date: 2036-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.6723
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $733,900.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $205,343.03
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SASC 2007-BC1 A4
b. Maturity date: 2037-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3302
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,302,232.62
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: WFMBS 2006-AR13 A2
b. Maturity date: 2036-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.6144
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $58,100.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $15,680.57
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: WMALT 2005-9 5A5
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,700,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,097,679.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: WMALT 2007-HY2 1A1
b. Maturity date: 2037-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.01
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,095,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $590,305.70
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC 0.710000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A BLACK 2012-1A D
b. Maturity date: 2023-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $150,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $125,083.35
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A CBASS 2007-RP1 A
b. Maturity date: 2046-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5283
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $25,600,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,158,673.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A FREMF 2011-K13 B
b. Maturity date: 2048-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.726
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $95,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $105,167.96
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A FREMF 2011-K14 B
b. Maturity date: 2047-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $245,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $279,936.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A LGNA 2004-1A ASB1
b. Maturity date: 2044-11-03
c. Coupon or yield: 0.698
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $30,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $9,154,740.57
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A SBM7 2001-MMA E8
b. Maturity date: 2034-02-18
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $20,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $22,500.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A SDART 2012-2A E
b. Maturity date: 2019-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 5.95
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $38,576,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $34,101,991.19
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ABFC 2006-OPT1 A3D
b. Maturity date: 2036-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4402
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,750,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,500,224.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ABS OAKWOOD MTGE INVSTR 1999-B
b. Maturity date: 2030-12-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.405
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,624,280.69
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ARMT
b. Maturity date: 2037-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.167
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $665,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $292,496.88
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BEAR STEARNS
b. Maturity date: 2037-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.2002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,100,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,640,689.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BSABS 2005-CL1 A2
b. Maturity date: 2034-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.7002
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,013,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,950,004.41
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BSARM 2007-4 22A1
b. Maturity date: 2047-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.3484
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $470,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $201,197.36
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWALT 2005-J11 1A11
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,715,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,172,360.18
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWHL 2005-HYB7 6A1
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-20
c. Coupon or yield: 5.1456
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $310,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $94,723.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL
b. Maturity date: 2037-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3702
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,700,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,475,189.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2007-5 2A3
b. Maturity date: 2047-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4202
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,937,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,799,323.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CWL 2007-BC1 2A1
b. Maturity date: 2037-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.2602
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $31,455,118.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,304,701.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GSAA 2007-5 2A1B
b. Maturity date: 2047-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3402
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,147,600.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $794,561.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GSAA 2007-5 2A1B
b. Maturity date: 2047-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3402
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $207,483.23
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: INDA 2007-AR3 1A1
b. Maturity date: 2037-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.2168
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $550,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $238,748.54
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: JPMCC 2006-LDP7 AJ
b. Maturity date: 2045-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.0588
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,095,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,139,322.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: NHEL 2006-6 A2C
b. Maturity date: 2037-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.3702
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $440,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $188,810.97
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PPSI 2004-WCW2 M4
b. Maturity date: 2034-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.3802
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,792,282.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RALI 2005-QA10 A31
b. Maturity date: 2035-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.7655
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $620,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $219,537.63
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RAMP 2004-RS2 MI1
b. Maturity date: 2034-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.09
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,938,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,489,811.21
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RASC 2005-EMX3 M3
b. Maturity date: 2035-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6602
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,728,297.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,165,225.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SDART 2011-4 E
b. Maturity date: 2018-11-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.2
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $13,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $14,535,007.72
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SDART 2012-3 E
b. Maturity date: 2019-06-17
c. Coupon or yield: 5.13
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $37,184,300.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $38,576,017.05
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Crown Point Capital Company, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Crown Point Capital Company, LLC 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Barclays Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
BNP Paribas
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Credit Suisse AG
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.450000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.450000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.460000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.730000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.440000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.410000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.410000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank AG
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank AG 0.380000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.140000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Treasury Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2017-10-31
c. Coupon or yield: 0.75
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $140,747,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $141,780,082.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ABBOTT LABS COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,969.61
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ABBVIE INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $814.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ACTAVIS INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,909.80
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ALASKA AIR GROUP INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,954.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ALLERGAN INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,954.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ALLSTATE CORP COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,986.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,994.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BARD C R INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,983.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BEAM INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,964.19
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BLOCK H & R INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,975.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CF INDS HLDGS INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,929.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CITIGROUP INC COM NEW
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,981.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: EDISON INTL COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,994.36
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HEINZ H J CO COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,934.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HUMANA INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,975.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: INGERSOLL-RAND PLC SHS
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,983.68
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MCDONALDS CORP COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,901.42
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MONSANTO CO NEW COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,919.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,974.12
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PRAXAIR INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,968.98
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: US BANCORP DEL COM NEW
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,971.23
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: XL GROUP PLC SHS
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,249,989.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ABBOTT LABS COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,968.93
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ABBVIE INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $814.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ACTAVIS INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,919.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ALASKA AIR GROUP INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,940.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ALLERGAN INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,985.36
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ALLSTATE CORP COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,956.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,950.15
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BARD C R INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,954.36
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BEAM INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,949.13
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BLOCK H & R INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,987.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CF INDS HLDGS INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,977.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CITIGROUP INC COM NEW
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,970.28
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: EDISON INTL COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,969.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HEINZ H J CO COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,983.40
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HUMANA INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,946.88
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: INGERSOLL-RAND PLC SHS
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,995.04
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MCDONALDS CORP COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,933.24
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: MONSANTO CO NEW COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,976.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,917.72
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PRAXAIR INC COM
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,957.78
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: US BANCORP DEL COM NEW
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,993.57
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: XL GROUP PLC SHS
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $849,997.44
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.100000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2025-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,177,785.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,175,010.21
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,425,513.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,633,023.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $52,110,360.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,600,379.01
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $34,093,340.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,581,746.49
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $28,967,093.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,643,191.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,366,429.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,647,808.96
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,187,809.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,404,106.57
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.993
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,365,717.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,880,900.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,850,792.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,529,549.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.150000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2021-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.443
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,407,182.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,805,060.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,834,227.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,807,222.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,780,111.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,877,946.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2030-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,040,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,833,045.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,434,249.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,321,854.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $492,466.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $103,380.37
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.223
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,583,985.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $340,378.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $66,532.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,733,353.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,955,178.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $11,237,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,791,693.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.593
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $28,422,912.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,617,362.22
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,764,808.02
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,301,271.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,172,658.21
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.132
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $25,000,191.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,676,260.93
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,412,647.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,874,461.38
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,603,591.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,888,633.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.969
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $23,724,442.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,654,623.79
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $22,408,243.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,839,201.30
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,524,902.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,852,387.32
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,157,053.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,926,095.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,119,141.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $195,339.62
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,820,164.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,920,581.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,694,208.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,899,913.05
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,867,613.34
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,923,752.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,831,362.64
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,803,019.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,950,526.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,745,027.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,772,277.85
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.851
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,088,994.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,744,294.94
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.014
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,573,791.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,544,531.80
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $302,740.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $176,322.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.516
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,049,766.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,637,783.68
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,721,549.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,793,562.88
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.911
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,708,985.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,504,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,834,029.80
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.212
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $26,846,165.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,581,623.90
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,930,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,803,438.97
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $19,161,253.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $18,924,232.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,833,335.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,871,448.37
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,689,577.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,864,834.94
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,641,754.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,800,904.57
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,106,967.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,106,483.16
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-01-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,595,543.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,782,706.61
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-07-20
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $64,116,403.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $64,457,917.79
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-16
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $31,582,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $31,636,891.68
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.160000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,920,932.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 1.938
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,005,204.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,915,758.38
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,052,459.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,402,546.44
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $133,542.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $23,308.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,166,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,894,285.54
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.951
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,992,218.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,782,997.18
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,105,445.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,897,038.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,699,234.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,907,026.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,837,566.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,921,414.78
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,369,552.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,327,871.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,029,091.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,911,681.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,735,392.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,898,814.83
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,782,789.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,782,009.77
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,944,626.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,894,893.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.160000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $15,144.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,960.13
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $29,606,692.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $29,240,462.94
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2024-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.7187
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $20,523,342.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,156,930.30
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2025-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,749,395.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,413,502.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2025-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,117,934.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,209,884.91
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,546,921.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,216,707.38
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2028-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $11,754,627.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $14,333.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2029-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.7002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $39,479,963.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $771,591.15
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.75
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,871,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $9,468,605.94
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $839,410.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $798,397.39
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,045,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $9,732,170.76
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,808,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,017,668.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,067,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,212,056.78
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,184,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,213,489.49
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,119,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,147,299.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2031-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,111,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,139,353.46
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,012,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,164,951.12
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $658,333.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $707,117.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $605,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $603,459.47
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,769,246.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,762,410.58
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,250,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $59,687.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $46,800,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,167,049.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $22,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,246,599.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2034-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $54,930,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,336,513.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2035-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $27,702,659.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,932,555.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,717,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,315,810.76
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $33,854,619.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,575,840.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,937,688.42
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5102
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $17,756,082.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,365,323.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,122,556.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,076,368.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.7002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $46,475,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,912,437.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.75
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $21,507,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,878,262.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2036-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.75
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $23,455,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,755,279.40
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,836,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,325,049.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,651,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,693,441.85
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,621,669.27
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2037-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,144,083.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,914,102.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.259
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,120,964.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,637,065.06
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $28,658,857.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,581,404.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,442,007.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $600,782.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.2502
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $10,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,136,276.11
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2038-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 1.4202
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,878,236.19
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $27,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,251,153.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $26,911,126.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,557,028.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,889,516.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,876,010.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,800,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,805,468.82
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,405,898.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,641,177.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2039-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $770,652.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $874,686.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $137,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $154,410.37
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,758,027.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,707,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,744,340.06
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $689,783.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $378,056.24
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $189,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $207,521.24
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.007
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,020,872.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,502,634.68
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,739,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,909,757.84
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $956,500.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $947,628.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,821,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,045,797.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $825,833.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $887,146.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,854,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,082,791.02
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $750,541.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $707,965.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,715,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,976,761.90
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $410,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $444,965.71
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $407,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $439,610.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.6002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $930,925.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $729,154.76
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $877,668.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $962,698.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,325,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,423,009.22
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,032,915.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,146,649.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $991,090.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,035,690.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-12-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $837,603.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $882,943.66
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-01-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,757,611.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,990,344.06
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 0.5002
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,192,996.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,158,359.23
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,672,386.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,615,117.89
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,750,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $10,341,176.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,377,866.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,615,078.24
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $523,537.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $556,703.63
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $134,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $139,089.38
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $106,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $110,085.39
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $248,955.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $245,875.47
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,506,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,529,119.61
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $597,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $531,933.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $433,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $389,273.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-09-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,017,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,196,344.93
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,128,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,003,832.05
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,275,055.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,310,508.82
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,574,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,501,054.04
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,808,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,708,058.62
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,047,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,995,273.64
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,198,224.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,053,670.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,219,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,144,050.60
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $785,429.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $749,621.82
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-03-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,868,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,702,508.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2047-06-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,878,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,450,165.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2052-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $8,256,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,811,530.82
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2052-11-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,345,901.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,011,596.19
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,265,669.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,760,714.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2042-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,168,990.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,250,671.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-03-20
c. Coupon or yield: 7
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $151,761.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $167,355.97
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-07-20
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,571,984.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,580,357.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-07-20
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $898,724.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $955,836.89
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-08-20
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,021,890.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,101,464.64
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2043-01-20
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $214,886.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $226,518.26
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
DNB Bank ASA 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
DNB Bank ASA 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
DNB Bank ASA 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
DNB Bank ASA 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Fannie Mae
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Fannie Mae 0.080000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Fannie Mae
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Fannie Mae 0.095000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Fannie Mae
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Fannie Mae 0.055000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.080000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.110000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.120000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.075000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.105000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.050000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.075000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.080000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.085000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.060000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.065000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.075000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Federal Home Loan Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.060000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Freddie Mac
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Freddie Mac 0.085000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Freddie Mac
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Freddie Mac 0.080000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Freddie Mac
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Freddie Mac 0.083000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Freddie Mac
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Freddie Mac 0.229400%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Debt
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
General Electric Capital Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
General Electric Capital Corp 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
GFRE Holdings LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Taxable Notes Series 2009A 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
Federal Home Loan Bank
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Federal Home Loan Bank
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Goldman Sachs & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Goldman Sachs & Co 0.600000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2028-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,805,749.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,892,202.10
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $36,362,698.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $38,907,834.15
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ISHARES INC MSCI MEX
b. Maturity date: 2013-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: N/A
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $0.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,099,963.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Goldman Sachs & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Goldman Sachs & Co 0.100000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $13,625,739.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $14,425,102.06
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $24,890,966.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $23,911,683.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2041-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $26,237,256.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $23,931,660.55
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2042-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,250,995.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,259,955.14
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2042-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $21,991,009.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $23,807,470.54
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2043-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $23,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $23,904,129.28
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Gotham Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Gotham Funding Corp 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Gotham Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Gotham Funding Corp 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Gotham Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Gotham Funding Corp 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Gotham Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Gotham Funding Corp 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Govco, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Govco, LLC 0.420000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Citibank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
HSBC USA, Inc 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
HSBC USA, Inc 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
HSBC USA, Inc 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
ING (U.S.) Funding LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
ING (U.S.) Funding LLC 0.260000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
ING Bank NV 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
ING Bank NV 0.465000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
ING Bank NV 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
ING Bank NV 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
ING Bank NV 0.400000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.290000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Chase & Co 0.356100%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Securities, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Securities, LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2033-10-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $229,034,617.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $46,885,334.70
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $100,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $104,857,562.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $53,382,794.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $54,257,103.31
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JP Morgan Securities, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JP Morgan Securities, LLC 0.650000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: DBUBS 2011 LC3 MTG TR
b. Maturity date: 2044-08-10
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $44,190,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $51,243,298.47
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: IAI COMM 2007 FL 14
b. Maturity date: 2022-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $13,942,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,922,550.64
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: J P MORGAN CHASE COML MTG SECSTR 2012-FL2
b. Maturity date: 2029-08-15
c. Coupon or yield: 5.9137
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,498,999.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,545,793.31
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2043-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,510,097.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,442,306.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2043-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 0.00
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,423,846.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,924,840.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: JP MORGAN CHASE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SEC. 2007-LDP1
b. Maturity date: 2045-07-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.0024
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $36,656,186.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $38,842,324.43
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: JP MORGAN CHASE COMML MTGE SEC
b. Maturity date: 2043-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5231
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $13,972,817.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $16,181,443.87
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.399200%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.355600%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Jupiter Securitization Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Jupiter Securitization Corp 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Jupiter Securitization Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Jupiter Securitization Corp 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Jupiter Securitization Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Jupiter Securitization Corp 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Jupiter Securitization Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Jupiter Securitization Corp 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Jupiter Securitization Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Jupiter Securitization Corp 0.270000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 0.245000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 0.235000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Los Angeles Dept of Airports
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sub Revenue CP Notes Series C4 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Wells Fargo Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Manhattan Asset Funding Capital Co, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Manhattan Asset Funding Capital Co, LLC 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Market Street Funding Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Market Street Funding Corp 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $12,138,404.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $12,071,517.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-05-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $100,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $29,980,686.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2043-04-25
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $30,991,216.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $30,605,409.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2041-09-15
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $35,840,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $30,170,065.76
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GNMA
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-20
c. Coupon or yield: 1.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $172,048.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $172,321.45
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $16,861,596.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $16,768,683.41
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-08-25
c. Coupon or yield: 2.75
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $11,021,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,326,754.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2041-07-25
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $25,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $27,031,830.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2038-05-15
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $44,322,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $28,467,640.40
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Freddie Mac
b. Maturity date: 2042-02-15
c. Coupon or yield: 3.45
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $50,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $28,495,091.77
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc 0.680000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: 144A
b. Maturity date: 2014-12-15
c. Coupon or yield: 9.375
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,015,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $814,050.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AMR 10.200 03/15/20
b. Maturity date: 2020-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 10.2
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $110,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $126,500.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AMR CORP
b. Maturity date: 2021-08-15
c. Coupon or yield: 9.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $111,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $127,372.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2016-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.25
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $160,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $167,136.84
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ARCELORMITTAL CLASS A N.Y. REGISTRY NEW<
b. Maturity date: 2022-02-25
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $617,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $681,103.22
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ASG CONSOLIDATED AND ASG FINANCE
b. Maturity date: 2017-05-15
c. Coupon or yield: 15
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $120,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $136,950.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ATHLON HOLDINGS FIN
b. Maturity date: 2021-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.375
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $100,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $104,307.29
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AUTODEK
b. Maturity date: 2022-12-15
c. Coupon or yield: 3.6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,713,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,865,277.03
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: AXA
b. Maturity date: 2049-12-29
c. Coupon or yield: 6.379
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,910,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,016,048.37
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BARRICK NORTH AMERICA FINANCE LLC
b. Maturity date: 2021-05-30
c. Coupon or yield: 4.4
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,416,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,680,268.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BASIC ENERGY SERVICES INC
b. Maturity date: 2019-02-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $621,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $658,971.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BEAZER HOMES USA INC
b. Maturity date: 2018-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 9.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $300,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $338,015.63
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BERRY PLASTICS CORP
b. Maturity date: 2018-05-15
c. Coupon or yield: 9.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $125,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $142,526.04
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BURGER KING CAP HLDGS LLC
b. Maturity date: 2019-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 11
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $560,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $491,166.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: BURLINGTON NORTHN SANTA FE CP
b. Maturity date: 2023-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 3
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,980,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,142,680.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CB COMPASS BANK
b. Maturity date: 2020-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $585,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $633,915.10
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CC HOLDINGS GS V LLC CROWN CASTLE GS III
b. Maturity date: 2023-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 3.849
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $151,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $156,046.99
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CCO HOLDINGS LLC
b. Maturity date: 2018-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: 7.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $20,447,590.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $21,746,011.96
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CELANESE US HOLDING LLC
b. Maturity date: 2018-10-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,314,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,439,172.19
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CEMEX ESPANA S A LUXEMBOURG BRANCH
b. Maturity date: 2019-04-30
c. Coupon or yield: 9.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $300,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $342,750.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CEMEX FINANCE LLC,MX
b. Maturity date: 2016-12-14
c. Coupon or yield: 9.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $300,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $332,891.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CEMEX S A B DE C V
b. Maturity date: 2018-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 9.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,640,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,003,000.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: COGECO CABLE INC
b. Maturity date: 2020-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $100,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $104,173.96
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CORPORACION LINDLEY S A
b. Maturity date: 2021-11-23
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $233,000.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: CSC HOLDINGS LLC
b. Maturity date: 2031-11-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $35,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $40,720.31
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY
b. Maturity date: 2019-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 10.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,627,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,131,153.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: EDISON MISSION
b. Maturity date: 2013-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $243,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $138,510.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: EDISON MISSION ENERGY
b. Maturity date: 2016-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $570,000.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2020-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $543,132.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $672,715.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ELDARADO RESORTS
b. Maturity date: 2019-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 8.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,595,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,697,669.53
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ENCORE ACQUISITION COMPANY
b. Maturity date: 2016-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 9.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,189,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,301,641.23
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FIBRIA OVERSEAS FIN LTD
b. Maturity date: 2021-03-03
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $150,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $169,153.13
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FLORIDA EAST COAST
b. Maturity date: 2017-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 8.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,798,784.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,520,848.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FMG RESOURCES PTY LTD
b. Maturity date: 2018-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $250,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $269,249.13
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FORD MOTOR CDEDIT COMPANY
b. Maturity date: 2014-06-01
c. Coupon or yield: 8
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $971,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,073,033.76
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY
b. Maturity date: 2021-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $14,879,395.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $17,398,133.52
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL
b. Maturity date: 2099-12-31
c. Coupon or yield: 7.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,350,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,194,982.07
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GENERAL MTRS ACCEPT. CORP
b. Maturity date: 2014-12-01
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $100,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $110,168.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GOLDMAN SACHS CAPITAL III
b. Maturity date: 2043-09-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $5,775,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,904,900.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: GREEKTOWN SUPERHOLDINGS INC
b. Maturity date: 2015-06-30
c. Coupon or yield: 13
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $110,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $122,701.94
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: H J HEINZ COMPANY
b. Maturity date: 2016-09-12
c. Coupon or yield: 2
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,175,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,310,727.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HEALTH CARE REIT INC
b. Maturity date: 2018-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 2.25
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,952,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,100,980.92
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HJ HEINZ CO
b. Maturity date: 2021-09-12
c. Coupon or yield: 3.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,764,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,868,278.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: HUNTINGTON INGALLS IND
b. Maturity date: 2018-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $175,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $194,878.91
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: IAI REG S DUPONT FABROS TECH
b. Maturity date: 2017-12-15
c. Coupon or yield: 8.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $950,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,051,531.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: INKIA ENERGY LTD
b. Maturity date: 2021-04-04
c. Coupon or yield: 8.375
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $250,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $283,561.63
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: LARERDO PETE INC
b. Maturity date: 2022-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 7.375
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $139,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $157,997.15
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: LIBERTY MEDIA CORP
b. Maturity date: 2030-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 8.25
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,505,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,712,533.23
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: NEXTSTAR BROADCASTING IN
b. Maturity date: 2017-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 8.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $250,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $274,674.48
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: NRG ENERGY INC
b. Maturity date: 2019-05-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $130,940.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $142,069.90
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ODEBRECHT FINANCE LTD
b. Maturity date: 2042-06-26
c. Coupon or yield: 7.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,277,076.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,480,822.83
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PACIFIC GAS & ELEC CO
b. Maturity date: 2014-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.8
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,999,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,212,540.62
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PEABODY ENERGY CORP
b. Maturity date: 2018-11-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $618,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $685,877.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PHILLIPS 66
b. Maturity date: 2022-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4.3
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,585,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $5,121,032.35
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: PLASTIPAK HOLDINGS
b. Maturity date: 2019-08-15
c. Coupon or yield: 10.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $611,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $710,064.74
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: QUEBECOR MEDIA INC
b. Maturity date: 2016-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,071,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $6,349,760.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: QUEBECOR MEDIAINC
b. Maturity date: 2023-01-15
c. Coupon or yield: 5.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,069,604.17
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: QVC NETWORK INC
b. Maturity date: 2043-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 5.95
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $7,833,136.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $8,121,998.12
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: REALTY INCOME
b. Maturity date: 2019-08-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.75
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $743,294.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $933,579.12
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA
b. Maturity date: 2043-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 4.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,389,701.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,428,858.72
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2019-04-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $6,500,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $7,011,875.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: RRI ENERGY INC
b. Maturity date: 2014-06-15
c. Coupon or yield: 7.625
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $230,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $250,951.56
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SALLY HLDGS LLC SLLY CAPITAL INC
b. Maturity date: 2019-11-15
c. Coupon or yield: 6.875
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $3,419,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $3,833,553.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2014-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 2.7801
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $225,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $225,500.65
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
b. Maturity date: 2020-11-15
c. Coupon or yield: 4.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $2,855,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $2,973,482.50
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: SITEL LLC AND SITEL FIN CORP
b. Maturity date: 2017-08-01
c. Coupon or yield: 11
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $1,000,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,072,500.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: TELEFONICA EMISIONES S A U
b. Maturity date: 2023-04-27
c. Coupon or yield: 4.57
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,725,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $4,852,229.81
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: TENEDORA NEMAK SA DE CV
b. Maturity date: 2023-02-28
c. Coupon or yield: 5.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $600,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $626,683.33
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: THE AES CORP
b. Maturity date: 2017-10-15
c. Coupon or yield: 8
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $200,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $240,166.67
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: THE BON-TON DEPARTMENT STORES, INC.
b. Maturity date: 2014-03-15
c. Coupon or yield: 10.25
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $300,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $306,093.75
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: THOMPSON CREEK METALS CO INC F
b. Maturity date: 2019-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 12.5
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $127,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $120,650.00
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: TIMBERLAKE FIN LLC
b. Maturity date: 2036-06-28
c. Coupon or yield: 0.4937
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $4,970,699.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $1,116,475.80
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: ZAYO GROUP LLC ZAYO
b. Maturity date: 2020-07-01
c. Coupon or yield: 10.125
d. The category of investments: Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description: common stocks, ETFs, corporate bonds, ABS, or non-agency collateralized mortgage obligations
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $310,000.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $376,175.31
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
MetLife Short Term Funding LLC 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
a. The type of enhancement
Funding Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Mizuho Securities USA Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Mizuho Securities USA Inc 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: United States Treasury Department
b. Maturity date: 2013-11-30
c. Coupon or yield: 0.25
d. The category of investments: Treasury Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $80,433,800.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $80,580,035.72
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC 0.100000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2032-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $14,052,994.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $12,607,695.34
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2040-02-01
c. Coupon or yield: 5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $58,212,167.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $28,587,864.51
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-11-01
c. Coupon or yield: 3.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $11,287,522.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $11,927,868.08
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC 0.130000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Government Agency Repurchase Agreement
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
X Yes    No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2027-04-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $84,537,280.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $78,241,544.04
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2028-03-01
c. Coupon or yield: 2.5
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $28,359,963.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $29,525,260.09
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer: Fannie Mae
b. Maturity date: 2042-05-01
c. Coupon or yield: 4
d. The category of investments: Government Agency Debt
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent: $9,911,223.00
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent: $9,533,196.25
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
National Australia Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
National Australia Bank Ltd 0.360000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
National Australia Funding (Delaware) Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
National Australia Funding (Delaware) Inc 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
National Australia Bank Ltd
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Nationwide Building Society
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Nationwide Building Society 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
New Jersey Economic Development Auth
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Lease Refunding RB (Camden Center Urban Renewal) Series 2002A 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
TD Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
TD Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
New Jersey Economic Development Auth
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Lease Refunding RB (Camden Center Urban Renewal) Series 2002B 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
TD Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
TD Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corp 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Rabobank Nederland
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corp 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Credit / Liquidity
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Rabobank Nederland
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
NRW.BANK 0.145000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Rabobank Nederland
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Rabobank Nederland 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Rabobank Nederland
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Rabobank Nederland 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
RBS Holdings USA Inc
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
RBS Holdings USA Inc 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
Royal Bank of Scotland Plc
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Ridgefield Funding Company, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Ridgefield Funding Company, LLC 0.370000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
BNP Paribas
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Ridgefield Funding Company, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Ridgefield Funding Company, LLC 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
BNP Paribas
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Ridgefield Funding Company, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Ridgefield Funding Company, LLC 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
BNP Paribas
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Royal Bank of Canada
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Royal Bank of Canada 0.332100%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Royal Bank of Canada
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Royal Bank of Canada 0.374500%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Royal Bank of Canada
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Royal Bank of Canada 0.080000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Instrument
If Other Instrument, include a brief description
Security is a time deposit.
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sheffield Receivables Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sheffield Receivables Corp 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Letter of Credit
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Barclays Bank Plc
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 0.380000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 0.280000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Societe Generale
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Societe Generale 0.270000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Societe Generale
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Societe Generale 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Societe Generale
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Societe Generale 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Societe Generale
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Societe Generale 0.320000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Societe Generale
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Societe Generale 0.680000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Societe Generale
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Societe Generale 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
State Street Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
State Street Corp 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
State Street Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
State Street Corp 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.300000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.230000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.360000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.340000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.310000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.240000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd 0.360000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Svenska Handelsbanken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Svenska Handelsbanken AB 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Svenska Handelsbanken AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Svenska Handelsbanken AB 0.210000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Swedbank AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Swedbank AB 0.330000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Swedbank AB
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Swedbank AB 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
TRAN Series 2012 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
TRAN Series 2012 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Variable Rate Demand Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
X Yes    No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature.
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”.
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Thunder Bay Funding, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Thunder Bay Funding, LLC 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
X Yes    No
a. The type of enhancement
Standby Purchase Agreement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
Royal Bank of Canada
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Toronto-Dominion Bank 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Toronto-Dominion Bank 0.200000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Toronto-Dominion Bank 0.190000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Toronto-Dominion Bank 0.180000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Toronto-Dominion Bank 0.288200%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
UBS AG 0.255000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
UBS AG 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
UBS AG 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
UBS AG 0.250000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Wells Fargo Bank, NA 0.220000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Wells Fargo Bank, NA 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Wells Fargo Bank, NA 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Wells Fargo Bank, NA 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Wells Fargo Bank, NA 0.170000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Westpac Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Westpac Banking Corp 0.449300%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Westpac Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Westpac Banking Corp 0.419200%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Certificate of Deposit
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Westpac Banking Corp
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Westpac Banking Corp 0.350000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Financial Company Commercial Paper
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
First Tier Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
   Yes X No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC 0.000000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
No Longer an Eligible Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC 0.000000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
No Longer an Eligible Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC 0.000000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
No Longer an Eligible Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent

Item 26. Name of the Issuer
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC
Item 27. The title of the issue (including coupon or yield)
Whistlejacket Capital, LLC 0.000000%
Item 28. The CUSIP. If the security has a CUSIP, filers must provide the security's CUSIP pursuant to this Item and may skip Items 29 and 30
Item 29. Other unique identifier, if the security has a unique identifier. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 30. CIK of the issuer, if the issuer has a CIK. If a CUSIP is provided pursuant to Item 28, skip this Item
Item 31. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identitfies the instrument
Other Note
Item 32. If the security is a repurchase agreement: is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7?
   Yes X No

For repurchase agreements, describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement, including:
a. The name of the issuer:
b. Maturity date:
c. Coupon or yield:
d. The category of investments:
If Other Instrument, include a brief description:
e. The principal amount, to the nearest cent:
f. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent:
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and (b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates.
Item 33. Rating. Indicate whether the security is a rated First Tier Security, rated Second Tier Security, an Unrated Security, or no longer an Eligible Security
No Longer an Eligible Security
Item 34. Name of Designated NRSRO
a. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If the instrument and its issuer are not rated by the Designated NRSRO. indicate "NR".
Item 35. The maturity date as determined under rule 2a-7. Determine the maturity date, taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(d)
Item 36. The final legal maturity date, taking into account any maturity date extensions that may be effected at the option of the issuer
Item 37. Does the security have a Demand Feature?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer.
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Demand Feature or provider of the Demand Feature
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 38. Does the security have a Guarantee?
   Yes X No
a. The identity of the Guarantor
b. Designated NRSRO(s) for the Guarantee or Guarantor
c. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 39. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items 37 and 38 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security?
   Yes X No
a. The type of enhancement
b. The identity of the enhancement provider
c. Designated NRSRO(s) for the enhancement or enhancement provider
d. For each Designated NRSRO, disclose the credit rating given by the Designated NRSRO. If there is no rating given by the Designated NRSRO, indicate “NR.”
Item 40. The total principal amount of the security held by the series, to the nearest cent
Item 41. The total current amortized cost, to the nearest cent
Item 42. The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item 43. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security
Item 44. Is this an Illiquid Security as of the date of this report?
X Yes    No
Item 45. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), including the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent
Item 46. The value of the security, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), excluding the value of any capital support agreement, to the nearest cent